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Learning and Development

The department values and fosters a learning in the work environment, recognising the professional development of all employees as integral to the success of current and future direction. Learning and development is supported when it is aligned to organisational and business direction.

Possible activities include:

  • Formal events such as conferences, seminars and workshops - the department provides training and development in required skills areas that employees need for their current job and also future skills needed to support work in the direction in which the department is moving
  • Study programs either leading to a qualification or aimed at skills development - the department supports students to varying degrees through fee payment and time off to study or attend courses
  • On the job training and development includes:
  • mentoring - someone with expertise and considerable organisational knowledge, perhaps a colleague, helps employees by setting up learning opportunities and providing professional guidance
  • job sharing - an opportunity to share a role and learn more about different types of work available, and also from others with expertise in the area employees are working in
  • project work - the department has a number of interesting projects including those dealing with large infrastructure which provides plenty of opportunities to develop project management skills
  • work-shadowing - an opportunity to learn about a different work role and diversify employee skills set, experience and knowledge through spending time with an expert in the role
  • rotation - a number of development programs provide a rotation of work experiences which develops employee skills and identifies areas of interest.