West Beach Boat Ramp Upgrade
Latest News - Boat Ramp Open
The West Beach boat ramp is now open for boat users.
Modification to the inner northern breakwater will continue during January 2022 but are not expected to impact access to the boat ramp.
Thank you for your patience and understanding during these important works.
West Beach Boat Ramp - January 2022
West Beach Boat Ramp - January 2022
About The Project
The Department for Infrastructure and Transport (the Department) is delivering local recreational boating and fishing access through the upgrade of the West Beach Boat Ramp.
This upgrade is funded by the South Australian Government and is part of a $20 million package to upgrade jetties, boat ramps and facilities across the State.
The upgrade works will include:
- replacement of the concrete slabs
- extension of the boat ramp into deeper water
- modification to the inner northern breakwater
- minor maintenance and remediation works on steel piles.
While the Department is undertaking the ramp upgrade works, the pontoon infrastructure will also be repaired and restored.
To ensure the safety of the public, the boat ramp was closed on Tuesday, 21 September 2021, and the majority of the works will be undertaken Monday to Saturday, between 7am and 6pm
Local emergency sea rescue organisations will continue to operate throughout the construction period.
The Department for Environment and Water is also continuing their work at West Beach to replenish sand on the beach and build a sand pipeline to provide a long term solution to beach erosion.
Further information
To find out more about the project or register for future updates, please contact the project team at the following:
- Email DIT.CommunityRelations@sa.gov.au
- Call 1300 794 880
For further information about the sand management works by DEW visit: https://www.environment.sa.gov.au/topics/coasts/managing-adelaides-beaches/adelaide-beach-works