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Marion Road and Cross Road Level Crossing Removals

The Australian and South Australian governments have jointly (50:50) funded $400 million towards the removal of the Marion Road and Cross Road level crossings. 

Removing these level crossings will ease congestion, improve safety and create new public spaces under the tram overpass.

This project will support approximately 350 jobs each year during construction.

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Now that we have our Tram Grade Separation Projects Alliance (TGSPA) on board, we are concentrating on progressing the design and finalising the detailed construction program. We will be holding information sessions in the coming months for you to meet the team.

Major construction will start in late 2024 and be complete mid-2026.

For more information about the Projects, view our latest project update

Fast tracking construction - Tram line temporary closure

To fast-track construction and reduce impacts on residents, businesses, road and public transport users, we will be temporarily closing the Glenelg tram line.

We have worked hard to co-ordinate activities so we can complete the upgrades at South Road, Marion Road and Cross Road at the same time to make the most of the closure period.

The tram line closure will commence in the second half of 2025. We will have the tram line ready for testing and commissioning late 2025 with services scheduled to resume late January 2026 in time for the start of the school term.

Now with our Alliance partner selected, we can work through arrangements for the closure in more detail to ensure we minimise the duration of the closure period as much as possible.

While the tram line is closed, we plan to still operate trams from the Entertainment Centre through the City to the existing South Terrace Tram Stop. Services between the Entertainment Centre and Botanic Gardens will also continue.

Substitute buses will be in place during this time to service the remaining tram network between South Terrace and Glenelg.

More information will be shared once the plan is finalised.

Intersection upgrades

As part of the project, the intersections at Marion Road and Cross Road and Marion Road and Anzac Highway will be upgraded to further relieve congestion and improve safety.

The Marion Road and Anzac Highway intersection upgrade includes:

  • installation of two dedicated right turn lanes from Marion Road onto Anzac Highway
  • two dedicated signalised left turn lanes from Anzac Highway onto Marion Road
  • new and upgraded traffic signals, LED road lighting, line marking and drainage
  • new asphalt, kerbing and gutters.

The Marion Road and Anzac Highway intersection upgrade concept can be viewed via the image gallery.

The Marion Road and Cross Road intersection upgrade includes:

  • installation of a new dedicated left turn lane from Marion Road onto Cross Road
  • installation of new dedicated left turn lane from Cross Road onto Marion Road
  • new and upgraded traffic signals, LED road lighting, line marking and drainage
  • new asphalt, kerbing and gutters.

The Marion Road and Cross Road intersection upgrade concept can be viewed via the image gallery.

Early works on and around local roads will continue until late 2023. This will include local site clearing and demolition works, which started in July 2023.

Prior to these activities occurring we will continue to make contact with properties adjacent to, or directly impacted by these works, with location specific information and timeframes.

Why remove these level crossings?

Approximately 51,000 vehicles pass through these crossings each day. During the morning and afternoon peak around 30 trams also pass through, resulting in the boom gates being down for up to 20 minutes each hour.

Motorists currently experience congestion and variable travel times, particularly during these busy peak periods.

Congestion at these crossings causes significant delays, increased traffic through local streets, an increase in potential accidents as drivers take more risks and delays for public transport users. Currently pedestrians and cyclists must navigate multiple tram crossings in order to access public transport services, local businesses and community services.

Planning to explore how best to remove these level crossings started in 2018. It included extensive technical investigations and early community engagement.

Project benefits

Removing these level crossings will:

  • reduce travel times for motorists, buses, freight and airport traffic
  • improve safety for local residents, motorists, pedestrians, cyclists and tram drivers
  • provide new, safer and more accessible tram stops with improved pedestrian access
  • improve connection and sense of community between the suburbs either side of the tram line
  • create new community open space for locals to enjoy
Why an overpass?

Compared to an underpass, this approach will:

  • have the shortest construction time, minimising disruption to locals, as well as road and public transport users, during construction
  • significantly reduce the number of properties needing to be acquired - all properties identified as being required for the project have been directly communicated with
  • improve connection and safety between the suburbs either side of the tram line
  • provide new public open space under the tram line be able to be delivered within the approved budget (an underpass cannot be delivered within the approved budget)

Tram Overpass Concept design

These artist impressions show the concept design for the overpass that include the following key features:

  • new Tram Stop 10 located between Marion Road and Cross Road
  • new open community space and free-flow connections under the tram line
  • lifts and stairs on the western and eastern sides of Marion Road
  • elevated Mike Turtur Bikeway and shared use path alongside tram tracks

Urban design elements are all still to be determined. This includes how the open space under the tram line will be used, landscaping and species selection, visual screens and buffers, paving and other materials, public art and street furniture. Community feedback will help inform these elements of the detailed design. To view landscaping and public realm opportunities please visit the Concept Design.

Community engagement

Community engagement is an important part of the planning, design and delivery stages of the project.

In April 2023 we released concept images for the new overpass and sought input from the community to help inform the key urban design elements. It was also important for us to better understand what is important to the community as the project progresses.

Thank you to all members of the community who attended the sessions, provided feedback via phone and email or completed the online survey.

Throughout the consultation period general sentiment towards the project was largely positive.  The community provided great local insight into how the tram stop is currently utilised, traffic, cycling and pedestrian movements in the area.

The community also relayed the importance of understanding how they will access the new tram stop once the overpass is complete and how they will move around the neighbourhood.

Community engagement will continue to play an important role throughout the project particularly as we work through the urban design elements of the overpass.

Further information on what we heard during the consultation is available via the latest project update.

More information

To speak with a member of the project team, please call us on 1300 916 976 or email