Northern Adelaide Suburbs Road Upgrades
As part of the State Government’s election commitments, we are upgrading, or investigating potential upgrades, in the northern suburbs to improve safety, access and to make travel easier for all users.
- Wynn Vale Drive and Bridge Road junction
Under Construction
- The Grove Way and Canterbury Drive, Salisbury Heights
Design underway
- Main North Road and Target Hill Road, Salisbury Heights
Design underway
- The Grove Way and Green Valley Drive, Salisbury Heights
Design underway
Completed projects
- Yorktown Road and Adams Road Roundabout
Works completed in December 2024. Some vegetation and landscaping will be undertaken by council.
- John Rice Avenue and Haydown Road junction
Works Completed in February 2025.
- The Grove Way and The Golden Way Intersection, Golden Grove
Major works completed in February 2025. Some Minor Finishing works to be complete in March 2025.
- The Grove Way, Atlantis Drive and Aeolian Drive Intersection, Golden Grove
Works completed in February 2025.
Further projects in the Northern Adelaide Suburbs Road Upgrades program
Mawson Lakes Road Management Plan
A Road Management Plan for the Mawson Lakes area reviews local accessibility in consultation with the community and City of Salisbury. The Road Management Plan includes problem definition and analysis of options that address them in the short, medium and long-term.
The scope for this initiative covers planning and engagement activities.
For more information or to view the Road Management Plan please visit the project webpage
Traffic management plan at Blakes Crossing
The Department has partnered with the City of Playford to deliver a traffic management plan at Blake’s Crossing. The study will investigate local traffic issues such as speeding, parking, pedestrian safety around schools and shopping areas and traffic and road safety.
City of Playford sought feedback from the community to understand local residents traffic experiences. This survey is now closed. Visit for more information.
Community led road management plan for Nelson Road
A Road Management Plan (RMP) for Nelson Road (Wright Road to McIntyre Road) has undertaken an evidence-based analysis in consultation with the community and City of Salisbury to identify priority initiatives to reduce congestion and improve safety. The RMP includes problems definition and analysis of options that will address them in the short to medium term.
The RMP identifies initiatives to reduce congestion and improve safety on Nelson Road, from Wright Road to McIntyre Road. The scope for this initiative will cover planning and engagement activities.
For more information or to view the Road Management Plan please visit the project webpage
Main North Road and Regency Road intersection planning study
A traffic management plan is being developed for this intersection to investigate potential options to improve traffic flow, reduce waiting times for motorists and improve pedestrian safety and access for local businesses.
The scope for this initiative includes planning and engagement activities only. Funding to deliver any potential enhancements would need to be prioritised and sought as part of the budget process.
Community engagement
Seeking feedback from the community and stakeholders is a key part of building a comprehensive picture of how our road network is operating. This feedback is important to help us understand community viewpoints and experiences that might not be captured by a technical analysis. We would like to thank everyone who participated in the consultation activities and provided feedback during the six-week consultation period in late 2022.
We are now analysing the feedback received, along with technical data, to investigate potentially feasible short term solutions to assist in addressing the concerns raised. A Consultation Outcomes Summary is available for community members to review.
Curtis Road and Dalkeith Road planning study
A planning study is underway to identify opportunities to improve Curtis and Dalkeith Roads to support development growth in the surrounding area.
The Department is working collaboratively with Playford and Gawler Councils to undertake this planning.
The planning study will inform future infrastructure requirements for Curtis and Dalkeith Roads in the Playford City and Gawler council areas. The scope for this initiative will cover planning and engagement activities.
Further Information
If you have any questions or to provide feedback on the project, please:
- email
- phone 1300 794 880
You can visit the links below for the latest information and to register for project updates.