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John Rice Avenue and Haydown Road junction upgrade

We are upgrading the junction of John Rice Avenue and Haydown Road in Elizabeth Vale. This forms part of the State Government's election commitments, to upgrade, or investigate potential upgrades, in the northern suburbs to improve safety, access and make travel easier for all users.

Following an initial consultation, we have developed a concept design for the John Rice Avenue and Haydown Road Junction Upgrade.

Thank you to everyone who took the time to provide feedback last year. Local insights outlined there are opportunities to improve congestion and travel times, as well as motorist safety. This feedback, along with input from key stakeholders and technical data, has been used to help inform the development of the concept design.

Proposed treatments
  • installation of traffic signals at the junction of John Rice Avenue and Haydown Road; and
  • widening of John Rice Avenue to provide dedicated right turn into Haydown Road.

To achieve these critical upgrades, tree and vegetation removal will be required. Removal of impacted vegetation will be carefully supervised by an arborist. We will work with interested parties and local council regarding offset and re-vegetation opportunities as the project progresses.

Community engagement

To read a summary report of the feedback received following our community consultation in 2023, the report can be viewed here.  Further updates will be provided in mid-2024.

Further Information

If you would like to register to receive project updates, have any questions or to provide feedback on the project, please: