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Main North Road and Target Hill Road, Salisbury Heights

We’re delivering an election commitment to improve safety and access in the northern suburbs.

This program involves planning, designing and constructing upgrades to improve access to and from local roads and improve access for vehicles to travel north from Salisbury Heights.

Latest News

Site investigation works, including service locations, were undertaken to help us better understand the existing road condition. Please see the latest news.

Main North Road and Target Hill Road, Salisbury Heights Concept Design

The proposed design includes:

  • installation of new traffic lights at Main North Road and Target Hill Road to safety facilitate right turn out movements from Target Hill Road
  • installations of two right turn lanes on Target Hill Road
  • removal of on-street parking on both sides of Target Hill Road between Canterbury Drive and Main North Road
  • installation off a new Pedestrian Actuated Crossing and pedestrian crossing refuge
  • installation of a bicycle lane on Target Hill Road to Main North Road including a bicycle push button.

Further Information

If you have any questions or to provide feedback on the project, please:

You can visit the links below for the latest information and to register for project updates.