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Main North Road and Nottage Terrace Intersection Upgrade

The Australian and South Australian Governments jointly funded (50:50) the $19 million upgrade of the Main North Road and Nottage Terrace intersection.

The Australian Government’s commitment was part of the Commonwealth Urban Congestion Fund. The South Australian Government’s commitment was announced as part of the last State Budget, to bust congestion by upgrading a number of metropolitan intersections. The South Australian Government’s Keeping Metro Traffic Moving Report identified this intersection as priority location for treatments that address road congestion and keep traffic flowing.

The right turn from Main North Road onto Nottage Terrace is a key movement for vehicles travelling from the south and CBD to the north-eastern suburbs.

On average more than 67,000 vehicles travel through the intersection each day.

During the five-year period between 2016 and 2021 there were 31 reported crashes at the intersection including 12 minor injury crashes. Approximately 65% of all crashes were rear end crashes.

The Main North Road and Nottage Terrace Intersection Upgrade included:

  • widening of Main North Road (west side), with the installation of dual right turn lanes onto Nottage Terrace travelling eastbound, two through lanes on Main North Road travelling northbound, and the addition of a priority bus lane through the intersection travelling northbound;
  • widening of Main North Road (east side) to accommodate the left turn lane onto Nottage Terrace travelling eastbound and the extension of the bus priority lane at the intersection travelling southbound;
  • widening of Nottage Terrace (south side) to accommodate the extension of the right turn lanes travelling northbound from Nottage Terrace onto Main North Road;
  • changes to access on Wilson Street, College Avenue and Victoria Avenue to accommodate the proposed treatments;
  • upgraded pedestrian crossings within the intersection, including new pedestrian crossing lights and ramps;
  • extension of the previous northbound bicycle lane on Main North Road through the intersection;
  • pavement construction and surfacing; and
  • new and upgraded traffic signals, road lighting, line marking, and drainage.

The intersection was opened to traffic in November 2021.

Further information

If you have any further enquiries regarding this project, please email or telephone 1300 794 880