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Nairne Intersection Upgrade

The Department for Infrastructure and Transport (the Department) recently delivered improved safety and traffic efficiency through the construction of a four-way, single lane roundabout to realign the Woodside Road and Saleyard Road junctions with the Old Princes Highway, Nairne. The roundabout was opened to traffic in December 2021.

The upgrade will reduce delays for Woodside Road traffic, maintain a good level of intersection performance and cater for future growth. The upgrade will also improve safety for pedestrian and cyclist movements in the area, particularly for Nairne Primary School students.

The intersection of Woodside Road and Old Princes Highway is located on the western outskirts of Nairne within a 50km/h speed zone. Since the completion of the Bald Hills Interchange project in 2016, traffic volumes at the Woodside Road and Old Princes Highway intersection have increased by approximately 10-15%.

Preliminary planning identified a four-way, single lane roundabout incorporating Saleyard Road as the preferred solution to address these project objectives.

Project Overview:

  • Construction of a four-way single lane roundabout, including realignment of the two T-junctions of Old Princes Highway with Saleyard Road and Old Princes Highway with Woodside Road
  • 2.5 metre wide, New Shared Use Path for the extent of works.
  • Provision of pedestrian fencing to encourage crossing at desirable locations only.
  • Relocation of the pedestrian actuated crossing (push button) on the Old Princes Highway eastern approach approximately 70 metres east of the roundabout.

Latest News

Major construction works for the project commenced in late July 2021 and were completed in February 2022.

Landscaping  Works

The Department recently sought feedback from the Nairne community regarding the proposed landscaping plan for the newly constructed roundabout at Nairne.

The Project Team would like to thank you for your feedback and ongoing support during the project.

We have reviewed your feedback and comments and in consultation with our landscaping contractor a variety of species have been selected to complete this important project. The species have been chosen for their visual amenity and suitability for a roundabout and the Nairne climate – see concept below.

Works to install irrigation and the landscaping will commence in August 2022, and will take approximately 7 weeks, weather permitting. Works will be undertaken Monday to Fridays between the hours of 7am and 4pm.

As part of the landscaping works we will be installing mulch to assist with weed and dust management.

Please take extra care when workers are on site. Observe speed limits, lane restrictions and traffic controllers when travelling through the area.

Pedestrians and cyclists are advised to take care when travelling through the area. For safety reasons there may be some restricted access. Where required, signage will be in place to direct pedestrians and cyclists to alternative access and/or detours. Every effort will be made to minimise impacts to the community.

Access to properties will be maintained throughout the works wherever possible, with advance notice provided if there is a need to temporarily restrict driveway access.

No changes to public transport services are planned during these works.

Future use of the remaining land parcels is still being considered by the Department and we will continue to keep you informed as to how this is progressing.

Landscaping  Plan - Concept Only

For more information

If you would like more information or to speak to a member of the Project Team please contact us: