Raglan Avenue, Edward Street and South Road network upgrade
About the project
A new link road will be constructed as part of the Raglan Avenue, Edward Street and South Road network upgrade to help remove the current dog-leg movement of traffic travelling between Edward Street and Raglan Avenue and improve safety for road users.
This project forms part of the $850m Broader Network Upgrade package of works as part of the River Torrens to Darlington (T2D) Project.

Direct link between Edward Street and Raglan Avenue

Better pedestrian access to shops and bus stops

Easier vehicle access to Castle Plaza
Fly-through video
Watch the fly-through video below to experience the artist's impression.
Project timing
Major construction is planned to start in mid-2025. The new intersection will open in mid-2026 and the project will be completed in late 2026.
Latest News
Last year we sought feedback from the community on the proposed design for the Raglan Avenue, Edward Street and South Road network upgrade.
This update provides a summary of what we hard during this engagement process. it also outlines the next steps.
Overall, the construction of a link road and upgraded four-way intersection at Edward Street and South Road was supported by the community as the best way to reduce congestion and improve safety and local access for all users. Feedback has been used to help further enhance the design.
Final updated design
Following community feedback and further technical planning, enhancements have been made to the design. The key updates include:
- The positioning of the roundabout has been designed to safely accommodate the forecasted traffic volumes eastbound on Raglan Avenue.
- The dedicated left turn lane onto South Road will be extended to provide more capacity for city bound vehicles.
- Bus stop 15 (north and south) will also be indented.
- A pedestrian wombat crossing, east of the new roundabout on Raglan Avenue, will be installed to improve pedestrian safety and access to the relocated bus stop 15.
- Landscaping will be incorporated within the project area.
Over the coming months the project team will complete further technical investigations and planning.
Community engagement
We are committed to working with local businesses and residents to ensure you are kept well informed about the project and to minimise construction impacts as much as possible.
If you would like to talk to the project team or arrange a meeting, please contact us via any of the methods below.