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Main & Shepherds Hill Rd

In February 2014 DIT consulted with stakeholders, residents associations and the local community to seek feedback on Edition 2 of the Draft Road Management Plan (RMP) for Main Road & Shepherds Hill Road, Blackwood. The department received an overwhelming response and engaged with several community associations and the Mitcham Council throughout the past year. 

Following receipt of the feedback, DIT has now finalised Edition 2 of the plan and updated crash statistics and reviewed recommendations where appropriate. A summary of the council and community feedback has also been included in the appendix of the report. This second edition of the RMP provides an overview of the existing operational and safety issues along these roads in order to guide the further development of identified options. All recommendations identified in the RMP are currently unfunded and will need be considered against other state-wide priorities.

To view the Road Management Plan for Main Road & Shepherds Hill Road, Blackwood (PDF, 8565 KB)

The Edition 2 of the RMP provided an update to the original RMP prepared in 2006.  The intent of this revision was to review the progress of the implementation of the original recommendations made in the 2006 RMP, update the crash statistics to the most recent five year period and re-assess and modify where appropriate any recommendations in the RMP. 

The study corridor comprises Main Road, from Belair Road to the Blackwood Roundabout, and Shepherds Hill Road, from the Blackwood Roundabout to Seymour Street.

Since the release of the 2006 RMP DIT has delivered numerous infrastructure and safety upgrades along the study corridor.  Below summarises the infrastructure and safety upgrades that have occurred in the area since the 2006 RMP:

Speed limit reduced to 50kph

New bicycle lanes and upgraded bicycle infrastructure

New Pedestrian Actuated Crossing (PAC) near Russell Street
New pedestrian refuges

Upgraded and new mid-block treatments

Upgrades to intersections along the study corridor

Upgrades to public transport infrastructure within the area

To view a copy of the Blackwood Road Management Plan brochure (PDF, 8565 KB)