Rosewater Loop Project
The South Australian Government has committed to converting the disused railway line through Rosewater and Ottoway into a green open space for the community.
The City of Port Adelaide Enfield has developed a concept masterplan for the corridor to include a shared path for people walking and riding bikes, landscaping, community facilities and public art opportunities.
The Rosewater Loop project extends from the Outer Harbor Greenway on Russell St to the existing path near McNicol Street, Rosewater. It is approximately 3km in length and follows the rail corridor through Rosewater and Ottoway and the former Gillman Railyards.
Ultimately, it will better connect the suburbs of Rosewater, Ottoway and Gillman with the Outer Harbor Greenway, Port Adelaide centre and the new Port Dock railway station; provide improved access to land for the communities of Rosewater, Ottoway and Gillman; and enable long-term retention of the rail corridor.
Funding of $1.5 million has been allocated towards the first stage of the project.
The first stage of the project will include:
- engineering survey and contamination testing;
- decommissioning and removal of the rail line signalling infrastructure;
- removal of railway track and sleepers;
- development of a preliminary design for a shared use path;
- identifying greening opportunities through the corridor.
What's Next
Further investigations and planning are being undertaken, and we will come back to the community in the coming months with more information.
Further Information
If you have any questions or would like to register to receive project updates, please
- register to receive project updates
- email
- telephone 1300 794 880
- write to GPO Box 1533, Adelaide SA 5001