Which lifejacket do you need?

South Australian lifejacket laws help to keep you and your loved ones safe when enjoying our States' waterways. The level of lifejacket you need, and when you must wear it, depends on:

  • your vessel (type and length)
  • your age
  • where you are operating and the conditions.

Make sure your lifejacket fits well and is looked after.

From 1 January 2025, lifejackets must meet Australian Standard (AS) 4758. Lifejackets that meet older standards including AS 1512, AS 1499 and AS 2260 are no longer acceptable in South Australia. There are also selected international standard lifejackets that are acceptable.

Boaters could be fined if they wear a lifejacket that does not meet AS 4758 or another acceptable international standard.

Which lifejacket do you need?

Use the lifejacket online checking tool to find out which jacket is right for you. Visit a Stay Afloat lifejacket clinic for help with how to choose, clean, size, fit and maintain your lifejacket.

lifejacket online checking tool

Check your lifejacket fit

Does your lifejacket fit correctly? It should be snug but not too tight. Here are some tips to help you choose the right fit.

Here are some tips to help you choose the right fit

Carrying and wearing lifejackets

Lifejackets are the most important piece of safety equipment on any recreational vessel. Learn when you must wear one, how to choose the right type and which lifejacket standards are acceptable by visiting the carrying and wearing lifejackets page.

Learn when you must wear one and how to choose the right type

Looking after your lifejacket

Lifejackets need care and maintenance. Inflatable models must be serviced regularly to ensure they work when needed. Here’s what you need to know.

Here’s what you need to know

Children and lifejackets

Know the rules for when children must wear a lifejacket and find out how to choose the right one.

find out how to choose the right one

Safety equipment checklist

Before you go on the water, use our online safety equipment checker to ensure you have the lifejackets and other safety equipment for the vessel and waters you are operating in.

online safety equipment checker

More information about lifejackets:

  • How to fit a lifejacket correctly (PDF, 1891 KB)
  • Come along to one of our Stay Afloat clinics to learn how to maintain your lifejacket, know what safety gear you need, understand emergency communications and ask any other boating safety questions. Free and walk-in friendly.
  • Find your safety gear in 30 seconds - Put a lifejacket on, grab your flares, make a radio call. See how easy it’s done. Safety gear is only helpful if accessible in an emergency.
  • ANZSBEG (Australia New Zealand Safe Boating Education Group) have a handy lifejacket website to help boaters find out where to service and register their lifejacket to receive servicing reminders.

Watch this video to hear how to look after your lifejacket.