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Have your say - North Haven dredging community survey

Friday, 11 March 2022

The Department for Infrastructure and Transport is seeking community feedback on the proposed sites for the disposal of future dredged material at North Haven.

The Department undertakes maintenance dredging of the entrance to the North Haven marina every 18 to 24 months to maintain safe navigation for vessels using the boat ramp or the marina.

Dredging works are carried out under a Dredging Licence issued by the Environment Protection Authority (EPA).

The dredged material consists of a mixture of sand and seaweed and for the last 20 years it has been pumped offshore north of the marina entrance for disposal.

The Department is currently exploring alternative disposal sites for future dredge material.

We are seeking input from the community and would like your feedback on the current and proposed sites for the disposal of future dredged material.

Have your say by completing our survey by
5pm Thursday, 31 March 2022.

Complete the survey here or scan the QR code to take part:

qr code

If you would like to be sent a paper copy of this survey please:

Call: 1300 794 880