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ALL ABOARD! Ovingham Station reopens after $15 million upgrade
Monday, 7 November 2022
The Ovingham Railway Station has reopened following its temporary closure to undergo a $15 million refurbishment as part of the Ovingham Level Crossing Removal Project.
The upgraded station features new shelters and seating, improving the experience for passengers and providing better protection from the weather.
The train platforms have also been improved, along with the access paths and fencing around the station.
New CCTV and upgraded station lighting will improve passenger safety around the station, and communication equipment has also been upgraded.
Thirteen new on-street carparks will also be constructed along Devonport Terrace, with work to be complete by the end of 2022.
The station upgrade has formed part of the Ovingham Level Crossing Removal Project, funded by the South Australian and Australian governments. The Gawler rail line reopened to trains in June 2022 following its electrification, and has since recorded more than a million passenger trips.
As part of the Ovingham Level Crossing Removal Project, extensive landscaping works have been undertaken around the overpass and station site. Last week, Year 3 and 4 students from nearby Brompton Primary School joined a planting day, which included planting a native garden, butterfly garden and native bee garden.
During the refurbishment of the station, shuttle buses helped station users between connection points. These services are no longer required now that the station has reopened. We thank passengers for their patience while these works were undertaken.