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Target 83: Sport and Recreation

Increase the proportion of South Australians participating in sport or physical recreation at least once per week to 50% by 2020.

(the department is lead agency for this target)

The department, through the Office for Recreation and Sport:

  • implemented the Sports Vouchers program giving primary school children a discount on membership in sporting clubs
  • expanded the STARCLUB Club Development Program to include 2383 registered organizations and a team of seven STARCLUB Field Officers working with 30 regional councils
  • developed a new decentralised model for local delivery of the VACSWIM program
  • worked with the recreation sector to implement a new governance structure for the South Australian Trails Network, giving them more influence over its future development
  • contributed to the State Mountain Bike Strategy and supported plans to develop the Mount Lofty Ranges as an international mountain biking destination
  • hosted an array of national and international events, including cycling, swimming, athletics and taekwondo
  • upgraded State-owned sporting infrastructure, including at the SA Athletics Stadium, Netball SA and the Adelaide Super-Drome.

ORS also continued to boost the State’s coaching and officiating capability by:

  • delivering 23 courses to 361 participants through the State Coaching and Officiating Centre
  • updating the Essentials for Coaching Children course with new resources such as online coaching videos
  • hosting two Elite Coaching Seminars (in Mount Gambier and Adelaide)
  • expanding the Coloured Shirt Program for new and beginner coaches to 27 sports organisations.

ORS continued to support opportunities for people of all ages, genders, abilities and backgrounds by:

  • introducing I-Net, a quarterly inclusion network bringing together 30 state, local and non-government organisations working in disability, culturally and linguistically diverse and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (ATSI) communities
  • hosting a Disability Round-table to discuss shared good practice in programs, administration and culture
  • organising the From Diversity Comes Innovation and Growth Conference, which attracted 220 delegates to address the changes and challenges around inclusion in sport
  • providing clubs with a comprehensive package of resources for the Fair Enough–Everyone in Sport Deserves Respect campaign to educate parents and supporters about good behaviour on and off the field and promote inclusion.

ORS also distributed 801 sport and recreation grants totalling $16.6m, including $3.5m to non-metropolitan areas:

  • 51 grants ($5.8m) for facilities in metropolitan SA and 58 grants ($2.3m) for facilities in regional communities
  • grants to 410 clubs ($1.6m) for activities such as volunteer training, first aid materials and purchase of sport equipment
  • grants to 110 projects ($3.2m) to help organisations further develop capacity and address barriers to inclusion
  • grants to 74 peak bodies ($3m) to provide sustainable leadership, policies and support services to more than 3000 clubs.

More Information

  • STARCLUB Club Development Program