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Wynn Vale Drive and Bridge Road Junction Upgrade

We are upgrading the intersection of Wynn Vale Drive and Bridge Road in Gulfview Heights. This forms part of the State Government's election commitments, to upgrade, or investigate potential upgrades, in the northern suburbs to improve safety, access and make travel easier for all users.

Thank you to everyone who has provided feedback about this project. Local insights gathered throughout this process supported a need to improve road safety, congestion and travel times, as well as pedestrian safety at the junction. This feedback, along with input from key stakeholders and technical data, has been used to help inform the development of the final design. This final design for the upgrade is now available below and in the latest project update.

The final design includes:

  • Installing traffic signals at the junction (including signalised pedestrian crossings and new CCTV)
  • Indenting Stop 43C Bridge Rd - West and East
  • Introducing a dedicated right turn lane from Bridge Road into Melville Road
  • New and upgraded footpaths, line marking, kerb and gutters and road surface.

Right turn movements into and out of Christine Avenue will now also be retained. ‘Keep Clear’ markings will be installed at the junction.

Wynn Vale Drive and Bridge Road Junction - Concept Design

Construction Timing

Early works, including modification of SA Water infrastructure, is expected to commence in the second half of 2024. Major construction on the upgrade will commence in late 2024, with overall completion expected in mid - 2025. Advance notice will be provided before works commence.

Further information

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