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Russell Street, Main Road and Sheoak Road Junctions

About the project

As part of the Mitcham Hills Corridor Upgrade the South Australian Government is upgrading the Russell Street, Main Road and Sheoak Road junctions. This upgrade will increase capacity across the road network and improve road safety for all users.

The planned treatments for the upgrade include:

  • new traffic signals at Main Road and Russell Street Junction
  • widening of Main Road to include single vehicle storage lanes for drivers accessing Gloucester Avenue and Sheoak Road
  • provision of traffic light controlled right turn movements and improved pedestrian safety
  • integrating new traffic signals by relocating signalised pedestrian crossing at Russell Street
  • extension of right turn lane into Sheoak Road
  • a ‘Bus Only’ right turn into Main Road
  • widening of Main Road with the installation of an additional right turn lane into Russell Street.

Concept design

The concept design remains primarily as presented during the consultation period due to the site limitations, other than the retention of the right turn from Sheoak Road into Old Belair Road. Opportunities to minimise vegetation and land impacts continue to be investigated.

For more detail, download the proposed concept design for the Russell Street, Main Road and Sheoak Road Junction artist’s impression.

Community engagement

Engagement with the community will continue to be an important part of the project during the construction period. We will keep you well-informed about the status of the project and how we are minimising impacts as much as possible.

Further information

For more information, or to register for project updates, please contact the project team via the details below: