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Road Classifications and Definitions

Level of service for outback roads

The outback unsealed road network is categorised into a four-level hierarchy of roads, depending on the strategic importance of the road. The road classification determines the:

  • standard construction requirements
  • maintenance priority and treatment.

Road classifications

Primary unsealed road
  • Primary access to regional centres
  • Primary access to major industrial or mining centres
  • Major freight route
  • Major interstate tourist or commuter route

Examples: Birdsville Track, Oodnadatta Track, Strzelecki Track, Kempe Road

Secondary unsealed road
  • Primary access to communities
  • Secondary access to regional centres
  • Major state or minor interstate tourist route
  • Moderate freight route
  • Access to essential services such as airstrips

Examples: Gammon Ranges Road, Tea Tree Road, Borefield Road. William Creek Road, Gawler Ranges Road

Minor unsealed road
  • Secondary access to communities
  • Minor tourist route
  • Seasonal or infrequent freight route
  • Property access collector route

Examples: Mt Hopeless Road, Martins Well Road, Nonning Road, Hiltaba Road

Unsealed access road
  • Local access to dwellings
  • Restricted tourist route

Examples: station access roads


Dry Grade

Grading the road without additional water. This may be single or double cut, depending on the road.

Wet Grade

Grading and adding water to the road surface. Wet grading is done on primary and secondary roads that would benefit from a higher level of maintenance treatment.

  • Wet grade 1 is generally wetting the road, grading and rolling.
  • Wet grade 2 involves ripping the road, reshaping with a grader to form a crown and improve drainage, and rolling to compact the surface.
Rain Damage

Emergency works to repair roads after significant rain events to make the roads safe. This work includes grading creek crossings, removing silt, repairing gutters, washouts and bog holes. Primary and secondary roads are prioritised for reopening after road closures or restrictions due to rain.

Capital Works Projects

Projects that improve road sections, reduce the ongoing maintenance effort and improve safety for all road users.

Completed Capital Works

Works that have been completed recently.

Contact us

For further enquiries or if you would like to report a maintenance concern, email our Port Augusta Office at

If you see a safety hazard that needs immediate attention, contact our Traffic Management Centre on 1800 018 313. You can call this number any time and any day.