On consultation

About code amendments

Code amendment process

The code amendment process includes a number of steps which must be undertaken before any changes to zoning or policy can be implemented. Broadly, the process involves:

The Department is committed to a user-pay system that ensures fairness and transparency throughout the code amendment process.

As of 2 April 2024, fees for code amendments have changed. Previously, all code amendments were charged a flat fee. The new fee structure is scaled to reflect the complexity of each proposed code amendment and ensure that users only pay for the services they receive. Simple amendments will attract a lower fee, while more complex amendments will attract a higher fee.

The matrix below is used to assess each proposal and ensure that fees are equitable and proportionate to the complexity of the code amendment.

Fee determination matrix


Complexity stream








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This viewer displays code amendments once they have been initiated, all the way through the process, and provides an overview on status, proposal and linkages to relevant information.

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Code amendments on consultation

Code Amendments must follow an engagement plan which complies with the Community Engagement Charter.

When amendments are publicly notified, they are published on the PlanSA portal for you to have your say. Consultation may also involve public events, public notices and brochures.

It is important to note that the consultation approach will be different for each code amendment. Under each code amendment on consultation below, an engagement plan outlining how the engagement will be undertaken, and information about how to have your say for each amendment, is provided. Contact details are also provided for each code amendment should you wish to speak to someone directly.

You can be notified directly about code amendments by subscribing to receive code amendment email notifications. Click the ‘Subscribe to be notified’ button below to receive an email when the status of your selected code amendment changes.

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Summary of the Code Amendment

Designated Entity:
City of Adelaide


The City of Adelaide is proposing a change in the Planning and Design Code to guide the use and development of land for adult entertainment premises and adult products and services premises within the boundaries of the City of Adelaide.

The changes proposed in the Code Amendment will have the following consequences for adult entertainment premises:

  1. Development applications for adult entertainment premises in the City Living Zone are unlikely to be supported as this use will not meet the performance outcomes set out in the Code.
  2. Development applications for adult entertainment premises in the City Main Street Zone (excluding the Hindley Street Subzone) and the Melbourne Street West Subzone are unlikely to be supported as this use will not meet the performance outcomes set out in the Code.
  3. Development applications for adult entertainment premises in the Capital City Zone will need to be at least 50 metres from existing places of worship, schools, childcare centres, and residential uses, and meet specific policies.
  4. Development applications for adult entertainment premises in the Hindley Street Subzone will need to meet specific policies regarding safety and amenity.
  5. Development applications for adult entertainment premises in all other zones will be assessed as ‘all other code assessed development’, and are unlikely to be supported as this use will not meet the performance outcomes set out in the Code.

The changes proposed in the Code Amendment will have the following consequences for adult products and services premises:

  1. Development applications for adult products and services in the City Living Zone are unlikely to be supported as these uses will not meet the performance outcomes set out in the Code.
  2. Development applications for adult products and services premises in the City Main Street Zone and Subzones, Capital City Zone, and the Melbourne Street West Subzone will need to meet specific policies set out in the Code.
  3. Development applications for adult products and services in all other zones and subzones will be assessed as ‘all other code assessed development’ and are unlikely to be supported as this use will not meet the performance outcomes set out in the Code.

Initiation documents

Consultation documents

Submission details - have your say

Via the online submission form

Email: PDCSA.amendments@cityofadelaide.com.au

Post: City of Adelaide, GPO Box 2252, Adelaide SA 5001

Hard copies will be available for viewing at:

  • City Library, 3rd floor, Rundle Place. Enter via Francis Street, off Rundle Mall or Da Costa Arcade, using either stairs or lift
  • City of Adelaide Customer Service Centre, 25 Pirie Street, Adelaide, Monday to Friday from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm
  • Information packs are also available at the Hutt Street Library, North Adelaide Library, Minor Works Building Community Centre, Box Factory Community Centre, and the North Adelaide Community Centre.

Further information

City of Adelaide

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Summary of the Code Amendment

Designated Entity:
Goolwa Tourist Resort Pty Ltd


Goolwa Tourist Resort Pty Ltd are proposing to rezone land within the Affected Area, located to the north and west of the existing Lakeside Goolwa Residential Park. This rezoning will facilitate the future expansion of the Lakeside Goolwa Residential Park.

The Affected Area is located at Goolwa North, approximately 3km from the Goolwa town centre, and at the northern extent of the established residential area. The Affected Area is made up of four (4) allotments that are largely vacant and underutilised, and has a primary frontage to Banfield Road. Measuring approximately 7.7 hectares, the Affected Area is connected to the existing Lakeside Goolwa Residential Park located to the south.

The whole of the Affected Area is currently within the Rural Living Zone. A portion of land adjacent to the Currency Creek waterfront (to the east of Affected Area) is situated within the Conservation Zone, is outside of the Affected Area, and therefore is not included in the rezoning.

The proposed rezoning will enable the expansion of the existing Lakeside Goolwa Residential Park, to meet the growing demand for affordable retirement and lifestyle accommodation for over 50’s. Located at the northern extent of the existing Goolwa township, future residents within the Affected Area will benefit from the access and proximity to Goolwa’s existing medical, retail and community facilities.

This rezoning will implement the key targets of The 30-Year Plan for Greater Adelaide by providing opportunity for increased housing diversity and affordability in proximity to existing community infrastructure and services, within the existing Goolwa township boundary.

Initiation documents

Consultation documents

Submission details - have your say

Via the PlanSA online submission form

Email: engagement@ekistics.com.au

Post: Ekistics - Level 3, 431 King William Street, Adelaide 5000

Hard copies will be available at:

  • Alexandrina Council, 11 Cadell Street, Goolwa
  • Strathalbyn Library and Community Centre, 1 Colman Terrace, Strathalbyn
  • Lakeside Goolwa Residential Park, 1 Banfield Road, Goolwa North.

Engagement events

You can talk to members of the project team about the proposal at two drop-in information sessions to be held at the Lakeside Goolwa Residential Park located at 1 Banfield Road, Goolwa North on:

  • Thursday 4 July, 11:30 am to 1:30 pm
  • Thursday 4 July, 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm.

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