ePlanning vendor announced as part of state-wide planning reforms

Published Wednesday, 19 December 2018

South Australia’s new planning and development system will be more accessible than ever before, with the introduction of a national-first ePlanning platform.

The ePlanning platform will give South Australians the ability to search for their property and, for the first time, see what planning policy applies to it and what development can take place there.

Ms Anita Allen, Acting General Manager in the Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure said, “ePlanning is happening all over the world as it allows governments to make planning truly accessible to everyday people and allow them to quickly and easily find the information they are looking for”.

“We can no longer write planning policy and then put it in a 400-page document that is impenetrable to most South Australians. Fundamental to creating a new planning system that truly serves our community is ensuring it can be accessed quickly and easily”, she said.

This month, the Department achieved a major milestone with the appointment of Redman Solutions Pty Ltd, who will bring South Australia’s new Planning and Design Code online.

Redman Solutions is an Australian company that has been providing ePlanning services to local and state governments in both Australia and New Zealand since 2006. The appointment of the three-year contract follows an Invitation to Supply process via Tenders SA.

Michael Redman, CEO of Redman Solutions, said, “Innovative and collaborative planning and development are central to how government supports our changing, thriving communities. We help government deliver responsive, transparent and consistent planning systems.”

The ePlanning platform comprises several modern tools that will bring South Australia’s new planning system online, make it accessible 24/7, and deliver a faster, more efficient and easier-to-use service than the current system.

The new ePlanning platform will allow South Australians to:

  • search for their property to see what policy applies and what development is allowed
  • prepare, lodge and track a development application online
  • submit feedback to state-wide code amendments.

South Australians will be able to enjoy the features of the new ePlanning system from late 2019, when the Code commences in regional council areas.

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