Making development assessment easier and faster

Published Thursday, 23 August 2018

How development will be assessed, approved and reported in the new system

The way that we assess development in South Australia is being reviewed and improved to make the assessment process more straightforward and transparent.

Development assessment refers to the process of granting development approval for construction, alteration or demolition of buildings. It also relates to division of land and changes in land use.

Assessment Pathways, Accredited Professionals and Performance Indicators will focus on how planning will be assessed, who decides and can approve applications, and how the system will monitor development across the state.

By July 2020 South Australia will have a more robust and responsive development assessment framework that comprises these three key elements:

Assessment pathways

New assessment pathways will improve the way all applications are assessed to facilitate faster approvals, better design, more consistent development outcomes and greater investment in South Australia.

Performance indicators

New methods of capturing data will improve the way development applications are monitored across the state to enhance access to useful information about the planning system.

Accredited Professionals Scheme

The new Accredited Professionals Scheme will enhance the professionalism of decision-makers to ensure they are appropriately qualified and experienced to undertake development assessment. The Scheme’s regulations, together with the skills and qualification requirements, and a code of conduct have now been drafted following consultation on the Accredited Professionals discussion paper earlier this year.

Each of these three elements will inform how development assessment will be structured and delivered in our new planning system. All have a direct relationship with ePlanning, which will deliver online development assessment and data reporting via the SA Planning Portal.

Community feedback is now sought on the Assessment Pathways discussion paper, the Performance Indicators discussion paper or the Accredited Professionals Scheme until Wednesday 17 October 2018.

We urge you to read these documents and offer feedback via the Have your Say page. Complete a short online survey, join the discussion forum or attend a consultation event. Planning professionals may also choose to respond to more detailed questions in the papers via written submissions.

You can also join us for two workshops on 25 and 26 September for industry professionals and community members. To register visit the consultation events page, or email

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