Check out our ‘Virtual House’

Published Wednesday, 29 August 2018

‘Virtual House’ is an easy to use graphic illustration of an ‘average’ family home, with a number of interactive elements which users can hover over, to receive planning information and answers about property renovations or additions they may be considering.

Applications for simple additions like backyard sheds and fences will no longer require approval and will be in an ‘exempt’ category. Other minor additions, such as carports or verandas, will be assessed as ‘accepted’ development because they have minimal impacts beyond the boundaries.

It is important to note that, while small changes to homes may not need planning approval, they still require building approval.

The Virtual House tool provides a useful way of understanding how the new planning assessment system and legislation will work for simple applications, and gives users helpful tips about the next steps, including whether they should contact their local council for advice or assistance.

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