Bushfire Recovery Support - Planning and Building Assessment

Published Friday, 20 March 2020

In response to the devastating bushfires across South Australia, the Marshall Liberal Government has launched a new Planning and Building Bushfire Recovery Program within the Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure.

As part of this program, the Department in collaboration with the Country Fire Service and key councils has established a Planning and Building Assessment Recovery Unit to support communities through recovery and rebuild. The Unit will assist people with preparing and lodging applications, as well as through the assessment process from start to finish.

The Government has also approved amendments to the Development Regulations 2008 (PDF, 31 KB) providing exemptions and streamlined pathways for a range of activities including demolition, temporary storage, temporary accommodation and rebuild. The amendments generally include the following:

  • exemptions from planning or building approval for demolition where a building is destroyed or damaged by bushfire, other than in respect to heritage places / zones
  • exemption from any planning or building approval for the use of land for the temporary storage of goods and materials required to assist in the recovery of bushfire affected areas
  • exemptions from any planning or building approval for the use of land for temporary accommodation in caravans where the dwelling on the land has been destroyed or substantially damaged by bushfire
  • exemptions for development replacing previously existing development that has been destroyed or substantially damaged by bushfire from public notification requirements
  • make the use of land for temporary accommodation Complying for the purposes of planning consent, subject to adequate separation from remaining or regenerating vegetation
  • make temporary accommodation Complying building work for the purposes of building rules consent, subject to building rules relating to housing, fire safety and wastewater
  • complying development must be approved within 10 business days
  • where new dwellings need to be assessed in relation to bushfire risk, these applications will be supported by the new Planning and Building Assessment Recovery Unit.

A new Bushfire Recovery - Planning and Building Assessment Fact Sheet  (PDF, 8450 KB) is available for download and will be distributed through local recovery centres and councils. Communities engaged in rebuild efforts are encouraged to contact the Planning and Building Assessment Recovery Unit or their council for more information.

Planning and Building Assessment Recovery Unit (DPTI)
Level 5, 50 Flinders Street
Adelaide SA 5000
Phone: 08 7109 7060
Email: dpti.bushfirerecoveryunit@sa.gov.au

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