Training resources and the online Planning and Design Code are now available

Published Wednesday, 15 July 2020

The Planning and Design Code (the Code) for South Australia’s outback and rural areas is now available for the general public to preview.

The State Planning Commission is providing the community with access to the online Code ahead of the Minister’s formal adoption of the Code and the planned implementation for Phase Two (Rural Areas) on 31 July 2020.

To help ensure all South Australians are confident and familiar with the new planning system, additional learning and support resources have been made available so that everyone can comfortably learn about and navigate the new planning  system. These resources include videos, written guides and a range of training webinars

From 29 June, community members will be able to engage with the online Code and the South Australian Property and Planning Atlas in our first state wide e-Planning system. When fully implemented on 31 July, the ePlanning platform will also include a new look planning portal and electronic Development Application Processing system.

Once live, the Code will allow development applications for the state’s outback and rural areas to be submitted and tracked online. For the first time ever, there will be clear and consistent planning policies across our state that are accessible and available to all.

The Phase Two Code has been refined and improved following the Minister for Planning’s approval of the Commission’s formal Engagement Report. The report, released earlier this month, summarises how the Code for the State’s rural areas has been altered following an 8-week public consultation period. During the public consultation period more than 230 submissions were received and over 70 consultation events conducted with all feedback was considered by the State Planning Commission. The Code may be subject to refinement ahead of its final adoption.

It is important to note that when accessing the online Planning and Design Code in the ePlanning system, only addresses in outback and rural areas of the state will display results. Metropolitan addresses, whilst able to be entered, will not display a result as the Phase Three Planning and Design Code has not yet been added to the ePlanning system.

The final phase of the new planning system will be implemented later this year and includes metropolitan areas, and some regional councils with large towns (PDF, 452 KB).

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