Phase Three (Urban Areas) Planning and Design Code – What We Have Heard Report

Published Wednesday, 17 June 2020

Following the five month consultation period from 1 October 2019 to 28 February 2020, the State Planning Commission has released the ‘What We Have Heard Report’ for the draft Phase Three Code (Urban Areas) Planning and Design Code.

The Commission received 1790 submissions from councils, state agencies, industry practitioners and members of the community. The Report summarises these responses at a high level, and includes:

  • a range of technical matters such as public notification requirements, the impact of overlays on deemed-to-satisfy pathways and the role of restricted development
  • consideration of zoning more appropriate to specific locations, particularly in relation to the suite of neighbourhood zones
  • the impact of non-residential development in neighbourhoods and the role of Local Centre Zones
  • policy within the heritage and character overlays to guide new development
  • the creation of additional zones and subzones to recognise strategic employment areas that have specialised functions or strategic value
  • potential improvements to the flood policy including the Hazards (Flooding) Overlay
  • residential infill policy including storm water management and urban heat island impacts as a result of infill development being more prevalent.

The Commission continues to work towards its implementation timeframes of late 2020 for the Phase Three (Urban Areas) Code. A precise date will be advised following consideration of submissions received.

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