Practice directions and guidelines

The planning system is complex and can often require experienced professionals to make procedural judgement calls.

To support them, sections 42 and 43 of the Planning, Development and Inrastructure Act 2016 (the Act) includes the ability for the State Planning Commission to issue practice directions and guidelines.

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About these instruments

A practice direction may specify procedural requirements relating to any matter under the legislation.

Throughout the PDI Act there are many specific instances where the State Planning Commission is allowed to issue a practice direction. They are issued by the Commission by a notice in the Government Gazette and must be published on the PlanSA portal. The Commission also has the power to revoke or vary a practice direction through the same process of notification and publication.

In accordance with the provisions of the PDI Act, the following matters may require the establishment of a practice direction:

  • public notification procedures
  • conditions
  • inspections.

A practice guideline may provide guidance with respect to the interpretation, use or application of the Planning Rules (including the Planning and Design Code) or the Building Rules.

Practice guidelines are issued by the Commission, with the approval of the Minister, by a notice in the Government Gazette and published on the PlanSA portal. The Commission also has the power to revoke or vary a practice guideline through the same process of notification and publication.


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