Ministerial building standards

Ministerial Building Standards are used to assess a development for building consent and are part of the Building Rules under the Planning, Development and Infrastructure Act 2016.

For developments lodged under the Development Act 1993, see the Minister's Specifications.

MBS 001 - Upgrading health and safety in existing buildings

This Ministerial Building Standard sets out conditions that can trigger an upgrade in an existing building to reduce health and safety risks.

MBS 002 - Maintaining the performance of essential safety provisions

This Ministerial Building Standard applies to any essential safety provision (ESP) required to be installed in a building.

MBS 003 - Fire safety in caravan parks and residential parks

This Ministerial Building Standard applies to fire safety provisions in new and existing caravan parks and residential parks.

MBS 004 - Swimming pool safety – designated safety features for pools built before 1 July 1993

This Ministerial Building Standard sets out safety features that a swimming pool must have if constructed or approved before 1 July 1993.

MBS 005 - Additional requirements for housing on designated Aboriginal lands

This Ministerial Building Standard requires increased levels of durability, sustainability, health and safety for housing on designated Aboriginal lands

MBS 006 - Modifications to the application of the Building Code

This Ministerial Building Standard modifies the application of the Building Code to buildings and building work under certain conditions.

MBS 007 - Modifications to the Building Code 2019 edition - revoked

This Ministerial Building Standard modified how the 2019 Building Code of Australia applied to buildings and building work in South Australia.

MBS 007 - Modifications to the Building Code of Australia

This Ministerial Building Standard modifies how the Building Code of Australia applies to buildings and building work in South Australia.

MBS 008 - Designated bushfire prone areas - additional requirements

This Ministerial Building Standard identifies bushfire prone areas in the Building Code and the additional fire safety provisions required.

MBS 009 - On-site retention of stormwater

This Ministerial Building Standard sets out cost effective solutions for on-site stormwater retention.

MBS 010 - Construction requirements for the control of external sound

This Ministerial Building Standard sets additional provisions for reducing the level of noise transfer into residential buildings in identified areas.

MBS 011 - Additional requirements for designated Tunnel Protection Overlay areas

This Ministerial Building Standard applies to certain types of development and building work located in the designated Tunnel Protection Overlay area.

MBS 012 - Temporary accommodation in existing places of worship

The Ministerial Building Standard outlines the minimum requirements that must be met for a place of worship to be used as temporary accommodation in prescribed circumstances.