
Urban tree canopy off-set scheme

The Urban Tree Canopy Off-set Scheme has been established to support policy in the Urban Tree Canopy Overlay of the Planning and Design Code.




About this document

The Urban Tree Canopy Off-set Scheme has been established to support policy in the Urban Tree Canopy Overlay of the Planning and Design Code.

The policy seeks to ensure that new development preserves and enhances the urban tree canopy through the planting of new trees and retention of existing mature trees.

The Scheme establishes the Urban Tree Canopy Off-set Fund to enable a person who is proposing a new development within the Overlay to make a contribution to the Fund in lieu of planting or retaining the required trees. The Scheme sets out the contribution rates and how the Fund is to be used by councils.

The State Planning Commission issues practice directions to specify procedural requirements in connection the Planning, Development and Infrastructure Act 2016.