Update the organisation contact details

The Organisation Profile contains your locations and contact details such as, email addresses, contact phone number, postal and street addresses. This information is used within letter templates, fee advices, tax invoices, etc.

Who can edit the organisation details?

Nominated staff member(s) within each ‘Organisation’ are assigned to the ‘Organisation Administrator’ role, which has access to maintain details of the organisation, staff members’ online account access, and details of the standard conditions and notes.

How do I know if I am an Organisation Administrator?

An Organisation Administrator’s dashboard ribbon will display the Your Organisation option.

Edit the Organisation location contact details

1. Select Your Organisation in the dashboard.

2. Select the User Management option.

3. Select Edit Organisation to proceed.

Update the Organisation Details

4. Update the Organisation details paying attention to the mandatory (*) fields.

  • Organisation Name*: Cannot be edited.
  • Organisation email address*: Provide the email address of the group mailbox to receive email notifications throughout the submission and assessment of a development application.

Example of when the organisation email address is referenced

When a consent (planning, land division, building) or development approval is not assigned to a staff member then the relevant authority email notifications will be sent to the ‘Organisation email address’ provided.

  • Notification email address: Provide the email address to receive public notification representations.
  • Organisation Phone*: Provide the organisation’s main contact number.

Update the Other Organisation Details (optional)

5. The Other Organisation Details (optional) fields are not mandatory. The information provided is not utilised within the in-built letter, fee advice or tax invoice templates.
  • Organisation short name: Keep the short name (if provided) otherwise leave the field blank.
  • ABN: Keep the ABN number (if provided) otherwise leave the field blank.
  • Website: Keep the website details (if provided) otherwise leave the field blank.

Update the Postal Address

The postal address shown will be included in the letters, Decision Notification Form (DNF), fee advice and tax invoice templates.

6. Type over the displayed Street or PO Box and City, town or suburb fields or provide the postal address details when ‘blank’ fields are shown.

Update the Street Address (office location)

For Local Government Councils the street address must be provided to populate the public notification letters and sign on land to direct readers on where the plans are located for viewing during public notification.

For all other organisations provide the street address of the office. When there is more than one office provide the street address of the main/central office.

7. Type over the displayed Street or PO Box and City, town or suburb fields or provide the postal address details when ‘blank’ fields are shown.

8. Submit to save updates.

Organisation message setup

Allows councils to communicate key messages within pre-defined system generated emails, Fee Advices and Tax Invoices that may prompt an application’s contact to visit the council office and/or co-located community facilities.

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