Way2Go Bike Ed frequently asked questions

Registration process

  • How are schools notified that the Way2Go Bike Ed expression of interest is open?

    The Department for Infrastructure and Transport emails eligible school’s each year to the school generic email address during term 3 each year. The email shall not be forwarded on to other schools.

  • What happens if we don't complete our registration before the due date?

    Unfortunately, your registration of interest will not be considered.

    However, you can:

    • contact us to request to be placed on the waitlist if there is a cancellation
    • contact a bike education provider about a fee-for-service arrangement.
  • Do I need to resubmit a registration if I need to change some details?

    No. If you need to change any information in your submission, contact us before the due date. The due date is stated in the registration of interest email.

  • Our school Principal might not be here next year. Does the current Principal still need to authorise our submission?

    Yes. If your new Principal needs more information, please contact us.

  • I'm a parent who would like my child to participate in Way2Go Bike Ed. What should I do?

    Please contact your school Principal.

Student participation

  • How do I choose which year level can participate?

    Students in years 4 to 6 can participate and this can be a combination of these year levels. Refer to school categories and class and student sizes. Priority is given to students who have not completed the program in previous years at the same school. This helps us reach as many schools and students across the state as possible

  • We have composite classes. Can our students participate?

    Way2Go Bike Ed aims to develop students’ ability to manage on-road traffic environments. Students in years 4 to 6 can participate and this can be a combination of these year levels.

  • Can students who have completed Way2Go Bike Ed before participate?

    Priority is given to students who have not completed the program in previous years at the same school. This helps us reach as many schools and students across the state as possible. For example, a year 4 student who has done Way2Go Bike Ed cannot participate again.

School categories

  • Can we change our school category? We prefer smaller class sizes. For example, if we have 80 students, can we register as a large school?

    Unfortunately, the school categories and sizes are as defined.

  • What happens if we select a school category, by then exceed the maximum number of students due to additional enrolments or class structures?

    Contact us about your change in circumstances as soon as possible. We will consider and review the delivery schedule.

  • What options are available to schools with less than 30 students?

    You may be able to combine your registration with another school near you that is participating (or wants to participate) in the program. Contact us to discuss.


  • How do I know when my school is scheduled to participate in Way2Go Bike Ed?

    • Check with your Way2Go Bike Ed school coordinator
    • The service provider will contact schools during Term 4 to negotiate timing with consideration to the term preferences in the registration of interest submission
    • The service provider determines the delivery schedule for participating schools across the state at the end of each school year.
  • What if a school event conflicts with Way2Go Bike Ed delivery?

    • Schools should consider other planned events when negotiating the delivery schedule with the service provider
    • Schools need to commit to the agreed scheduling without impact of other school event. It is difficult to reschedule the program or sessions.
  • What happens in the event of inclement weather?

    • Alternate lessons are provided if the weather conditions are not suitable. or safe to undertake sessions outside. Examples of alternate lessons include, but are not limited to bike maintenance, road safety, etc. The student learning journal can also be used as a tool for alternate lessons.
    • Schools are to provide a classroom area with access to audio – visual equipment for modified lessons that may be undertaken in the event of inclement weather.