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Woodend Primary School

Woodend Primary School have just finished another successful Way2Go Walktober.

Marryatville Primary School

A strong cycling culture at Marryatville Primary School led to them joining the ...

Vale Park Primary School

Vale Park Primary School students have embraced working with the Way2Go program to ...

Research: Walking, Riding or driving to school.

What influences parents’ decision making?

Way2Go Partnership in Kadina

DPTI’s Way2Go program continues to successfully partner with schools and local councils to make primary school precincts safe ...

Way2Go Walktober

Way2Go is joining in Walking SA’s Walktober event with Way2Go Walktober in order to support more children and their ...

Nairne Primary School

Improving traffic flow and safe access for kids coming to and from school were the key drivers in Nairne Primary School’s ...

Freeling Primary School

A desire to make the walk and ride to school safer in a rapidly expanding township were the keys to the Way2Go partnership built ...

Eastern Fleurieu R-12 School

Students from Eastern Fleurieu R-12 School at Langhorne Creek recently welcomed Alexandrina Mayor, Keith Williams to present ...

Kapunda Primary School

More Kapunda Primary School students are now riding and scooting to school daily following foot path improvements undertaken by Way2Go partner ...

Way2Go paves the way at Norwood Primary School

A partnership between DPTI's Way2Go program, Norwood Primary School and Norwood, Payneham...

Mannum Community College

A successful partnership between Mannum Community College, Mid Murray Council and the State Government’s Way2Go program is encouraging...

Cobdogla Primary School

Cobdogla Primary School Students were keen participants in Way2Go Bike Ed this year with students learning about bike safety and how to ride...

Vineyard Lutheran School

Vineyard Lutheran School have almost doubled the number of children riding to school with a new Way2Go Bike Shelter being installed...

Reynella Primary School

Reynella Primary School students have been giving their new bike storage area plenty of use after successfully securing...

Walking, riding or driving to school:
What influences parents' decision making?

The research Walking, riding or driving to school: what influences parents’ decision making? presents key findings and recommendations aimed at providing an evidence-based understanding of what influences parents’ decision making around primary school children’s active travel choices for the school commute.

To read the full report click here

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