Way2Go Bike Ed delivery

What to consider before expressing interest in Way2Go Bike Ed

Way2Go Bike Ed is a collaborative effort involving schools, the Department for Infrastructure and Transport and the delivery service providers. The service providers deliver practical Way2Go Bike Ed sessions and bike checks.


  • The service provider determines the Way2Go Bike Ed delivery schedule across the state. The schedule takes each school’s preferences into account.
  • Schools need to commit to the scheduling without impact of other school events. It is difficult to reschedule the program.
  • Schools can select if they prefer to participate in Term 1, 2, 3 or 4 when registering.
  • Timings are negotiated with schools to account for different school categories and timetables.
  • Each class will receive 6 sessions of Way2Go Bike Ed. Total instruction time is 540 minutes.
  • Each session goes for 60–90 minutes. Sessions are held across the day to meet school category student participation numbers.
  • In the event of inclement weather alternate lessons are provided. Examples of alternate lessons include, but are not limited to bike maintenance, road safety, etc.

Student and class requirements

  • Students in years 4 to 6 can participate and sessions can be a combination of these year levels.
  • No repeat students (i.e. a student only participates once in the program).
  • Each class can only have a maximum of 30 students.
  • Sessions 1–3 are ‘in-school’ sessions delivered within the school site. The instructor-to-student ratio is 1 to 10.
  • Sessions 4–6 are ‘on-road’ sessions delivered throughout the adjoining local road network. The instructor-to-student ratio is 1 to 5.
  • In small school categories, instructor-to-student ratios depend on the size of the school and are to be clarified prior to sessions commencing. Generally, ‘in-school’ sessions 2 instructors are required, with an additional instructor required for the ‘on-road’ sessions.
  • A school supervisor must attend all in-school and on-road sessions. The school supervisor can be a class teacher and is included in the above ratios.
  • If there are more than 25 students, the school must provide an extra adult supervisor that meet clearance requirements. This person will help with supervision ratios during on-road sessions.

Equipment and site requirements

  • School supervisors are required to participate in the ‘on road’ sessions. The service provider provides 2 loan bikes and helmets.
  • Students are encouraged to bring their own bikes and helmets. The service provider can only provide up to 15 loan bikes and helmets.
  • All student-owned bikes must undergo a bike safety check before being used in the program.
  • In-school sessions are generally delivered on outside sports courts within the school grounds. The total space required is up to two full-sized tennis courts.
  • If a suitable location cannot be provided within school grounds, a site can be negotiated close to the school. For example, a community facility or sporting ground.
  • On-road sessions are delivered in the adjoining local road network. If the school is not located within or near a local road network (i.e. hills or rural location). The school should consider a practical alternate location and supporting transport arrangements.
  • In the event of inclement weather alternate lessons are provided. Schools are to provide a classroom area with access to audio – visual equipment for modified lessons.

Delivery models

Way2Go Bike Ed’s delivery models depend on the size and location of the school.

Metropolitan schools are within the ABS Greater Adelaide Geographical Area. These schools use a staggered delivery model across a school term, with day sessions on a negotiated day over six consecutive weeks.

Regional schools are outside the ABS Greater Adelaide Geographical Area. These schools use an intensive delivery model with bundled sessions across consecutive days.

School categoryDefinition
Large schoolMinimum of 91 students and maximum of 120 students
(3-4 classes)
Standard schoolMinimum of 61 students and maximum of 90 students
(2-3 classes)
Small schoolMinimum of 61 students and maximum of 90 students
(2-3 classes)