Way2Go offers a range of tools and resources to encourage safe, green and more active travel at South Australian primary schools. The teaching resources are comprehensive and support teachers as they design their curricula and plan lessons and learning experiences to deliver the student learning intentions of the mandated curriculum framework. They are intended to assist and complement the current work of teachers rather than be an additional delivery expectation. The range of support materials can be ordered online from the menu below.
Additional information on school crossings, school monitors and school zones, signs and restrictions is also available online.
The ACARA Health and Physical Education scope states that;
A comprehensive package of educational materials for teaching safe, green and more active travel in South Australian primary schools, comprising three satchels: Early (R-2) Years, Primary (3-5) Years and Middle (6-7) Years; each containing a Teacher Pack resource book, CD, DVD and supporting resources. These packs should be contained in your school library. Note: Hard copies are no longer available. CD packs can be sent to schools.
Elmo Stays Safe teaches pre-school aged children and families about safe road practices including child restraints, crossing the road, carpark safety, driveway safety and walking down the street. Elmo Stays safe Story book Available here.
Rail safety (train and tram). A resource for schools, parents, students and rail workers. To find out more head to Tracksafe Education.
The Way2Go Bike Ed Teacher Resource was developed within the ACARA framework.
The South Australian Police Road Safety Centre aims to deliver evidence-based road safety programs and initiatives that are contemporary and age appropriate. Click here to find out more information.
School Crossing equipment is available only to South Australian Schools that have recognised crossings.
Additional Information on school crossings, school monitors and school zones, signs and restrictions available online.
To replace lost or damaged school crossing equipment complete and submit this order school cross equipment form. Your inbox will receive a copy of your order, which will be processed and send to the school.
Way2Go signage is a prompt for learned safe behaviour e.g. Stop Look Listen Think signs at school pedestrian exits support school and parent teaching.
Way2Go works closely with schools across the state to tailor plans and actions to meet each community’s specific needs and aspirations. There is no one way or specific template with which schools comply.