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Financial Performance

Financial performance at a glance

The following is a brief summary of the overall financial position of the agency. The information is unaudited. Full audited financial statements for 2022-2023 are at Attachment 1 of this report.

For a detailed breakdown of financial performance, please refer to Note 1.4 Budget Performance.

The Department has assets worth $44.786 billion. This consists mainly of network, land and building assets, and Deposits at call with the Treasurer, the Hon Stephen Mullighan MP. The Department has total liabilities of $1.050 billion. This mainly consists of financial lease liabilities and expenses due but not yet paid on supplies and services and capital projects.

Consultants disclosure

In 2022-2023 the Department did not engage any consultants.

Data for previous years is available at: Consultants engaged by the Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure - Dataset -

See also the Consolidated Financial Report of the Department of Treasury and Finance for total value of consultancy contracts across the South Australian Public Sector.

Contractors disclosure

A summary of external contractors that have been engaged by the agency during the 2022-2023 financial year, the contract title and nature of work undertaken, and the total contract awarded sum, is attached as Appendix 2.

Data for previous years is available at: External contractors engaged by the Department for Infrastructure and Transport - Dataset -

The details of South Australian Government-awarded contracts for goods, services, and works are displayed on the SA Tenders and Contracts website. View the agency list of contracts.

The website also provides details of across government contracts.

Other financial information

Pursuant to section 79D of the Road Traffic Act 1961, the responsible Minister is required to report to Parliament on the operations of the Community Road Safety Fund. This report is provided separate to this annual report, and will be tabled by the Minister for Police, Emergency Services and Correctional Services.