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Denise Hatzi Memoriam Award

We became aware that our form was preventing applications from being submitted. This issue is now fixed.

Please resubmit your application if you tried to submit one before 20 June 2024. You can use the online application form or email to do this. This ensures we receive your application.

This award honours the legacy of Denise Hatzi, a female civil engineer who was part of many major infrastructure projects for South Australia during her 23 years working with our Department.

Denise was a trailblazer for women within our Department and across the industry. She was a strong advocate for equal outcomes for women, men and gender-diverse people.

About the award

The Denise Hatzi Memoriam Award recognises exceptional women or gender-diverse individuals in civil engineering and provides a career pathway into civil engineering in the public sector.

What award recipients will receive

  • A place in our Undergraduate Vacation Employment Program.
  • Mentoring from one of our female or gender-diverse senior leaders.
  • The opportunity to spend a day work-shadowing one of our senior leaders.
  • Shortlisting to an interview for our Graduate Program – subject to successful completion of the Undergraduate Vacation Employment Program and their undergraduate degree.

Eligibility criteria

  • You are a student in your second, third or last year of a four-year civil engineering degree.
  • You identify as a woman, non-binary or gender-diverse person.
  • You:
    • are an Australian citizen or Australian permanent resident; or
    • have a valid visa that allows you to work in Australia up until at least 31 December 2025 (or be eligible to obtain a bridging visa for this period).
  • You agree to be available for a paid work placement for 6 to 12 weeks between October 2024 and February 2025 (or as negotiated) at the Department for Infrastructure and Transport.

How to apply

You will be required to:

  • complete an online application to confirm your eligibility
  • submit your cover letter and résumé
  • submit a copy of your academic transcript.

Your cover letter should:

Apply for the Denise Hatzi Memoriam Award

Important dates

Applications open 12:00 noon on Monday, 20 May 2024
Applications close 9:00 PM on Sunday, 30 June 2024
Applications shortlisted and notified Mid-July 2024
Award recipients notified Late July 2024
Award ceremony August 2024

Contact us

If you have any questions, please email