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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Project timing?

Major construction works are expected to commence mid-2024 and be completed end of 2025.

Why are the level crossings being removed?

Approximately 51,000 vehicles pass through these crossings each day. During the morning and afternoon peak around 30 trams also pass through, resulting in the boom gates being down for up to 20 minutes each hour.

Motorists currently experience congestion and variable travel times, particularly during these busy peak periods.

Congestion at these crossings causes significant delays, increased traffic through local streets, an increase in potential accidents as drivers take more risks and delays for public transport users. Currently pedestrians and cyclists must navigate multiple tram crossings in order to access public transport services, local businesses and community services.

Planning to explore how best to remove these level crossings started in 2018. It included extensive technical investigations and early community engagement.

Why is it an overpass and not an underpass?

Following extensive investigation work, an overpass has been determined as the best solution to remove the level crossings at Marion Road and Cross Road Plympton.

Compared to an underpass, this approach will:

  • have the shortest construction time, minimising disruption to locals, as well as road and public transport users, during construction
  • significantly reduce the number of properties needing to be acquired - all properties identified as being required for the project have been directly communicated with
  • improve connection and safety between the suburbs either side of the tram line
  • provide new public open space under the tram line
  • be able to be delivered within the approved budget (an underpass cannot be delivered within the approved budget.
Will the entire tram line close or just in certain sections? Will the trams continue to run in the city?

We are still working through the closure details to minimise impacts to commuters. For example, it is our intention to still operate trams through the City and the parklands. Substitute buses will be in place during this time.

It is estimated the tram line will likely close for approx. 6-9 months. We are still working through the closure details to minimise impacts to commuters.

The full extent of the Glenelg Line closure has not yet been determined.  This includes whether tram stops east of the South Road Tram Overpass will remain operational or be closed during the main overpass works.

A significant amount of planning has already been completed and will continue to occur prior to the full extent of the closure being determined.

The Project Team are working closely with the South Australian Public Transport Authority and Torrens Connect to minimise impacts to commuters.

Where does the tram return to the same level as the road (at either end of the overpass)?

The ramps start approximately 45 metres south-west of Acacia Street and approximately 20 metres south-west of Clayton Avenue.

What is planned for pedestrian access across Marion and Cross Roads

The existing Pedestrian Actuated Crossings (PACs) will be removed and relocated as part of the works.

The Marion Road PAC will be relocated slightly south of Turner Street.

The Cross Road PAC will be relocated slightly west of Maynard Road.

Will there be any changes to existing tram stops once work is complete? Or creating of any new tram stops?

Tram Stop 10, which sits at ground level adjacent to the Marion Road crossing will be elevated onto the new overpass. Access to the stop will be via stairs or lifts on either side of Marion Road.

What is the height of the overpass?

The exact dimensions of the overpass will be determined during the detailed design stage, with every effort made to minimise impact on surrounding properties.

The height of the overpass is expected to be comparable to the current overpass at South Road Glandor.

What provision is being made for cyclists?

Cyclist will have access on the overpass adjacent to the tram line with the Mike Turtur Bikeway being elevated alongside the tram tracks.

Can temporary tracks be constructed?

Temporary tracks will not be constructed as part of this project.

As it would increase impacts to the traffic network, increase the construction timeframe and require additional property acquisition.

What is happening with the intersection of Marion Road and Cross Road and the intersection of Marion Road and Anzac Highway?

As part of the project the intersections at Marion Road and Cross Road and Marion Road and Anzac Highway will be upgraded to further relieve congestion and improve safety.

The Marion Road and Anzac Highway intersection upgrade includes:

  • installation of two dedicated right turn lanes from Marion Road onto Anzac Highway;
  • two dedicated signalised left turn lanes from Anzac Highway onto Marion Road;
  • new and upgraded traffic signals, LED road lighting, line marking and drainage; and
  • new asphalt, kerbing and gutters.

The Marion Road and Cross Road intersection upgrade includes:

  • installation of a new dedicated left turn lane from Marion Road onto Cross Road;
  • installation of new dedicated left turn lane from Cross Road onto Marion Road;
  • new and upgraded traffic signals, LED road lighting, line marking and drainage; and
  • new asphalt, kerbing and gutters.

Concept designs have now been developed for these intersection upgrades and can be viewed via the Image Gallery