Special Notices
Tuesday 25 March 2025 @ 3.05 PM
Public Access Routes
Public Access Routes (PARs) are established under the Pastoral Land Management and Conservation Act 1989 (PLMC Act) to provide public access over pastoral land without the need for travellers to ask permission from the lessee. Any travel other than that on a public road or PAR requires prior approval from the lessee of the respective pastoral lease.
Pursuant to section 45 (7) of the PLMC Act, the Pastoral Board may temporarily close a PAR for the purposes of the safety of the public, the management of stock or the carrying out of rehabilitative work on the land adjacent to the route.
PARs are not roads or part of the formal road network. They are unimproved and unsurfaced dirt tracks intended to provide four-wheel drive access in dry conditions only. Conditions such as washouts and corrugations maybe present. Drive to track conditions with caution.
All PARs are currently OPEN unless listed below.
Temporary PAR Closures Until Further Notice:
PAR Number 3 Nuccaleena Mine
PAR Number 9 Warraweena
PAR Number 13 Halligan
For further information, refer to www.environment.sa.gov.au/topics/landscape-sa/pastoral-leases-in-south-australia/camping-and-travelling-across-a-pastoral-lease
For latest information on South Australian Desert Parks please call the Desert Parks Hotline on (08) 8648 5328 or access the 'South Australian Desert Parks Bulletin link on www.environment.sa.gov.au