Finalising the NCC energy efficiency and livability requirements for new and existing homes

Published Friday, 6 September 2024

Ministerial Building Standard MBS 007, which outlines how the livable housing and energy efficiency provisions apply to new homes in South Australia, was gazetted on 25 July 2024. Following gazettal, additional feedback was received and amendments have been made to address editorial errors and to provide further clarification of the energy efficiency requirements for Class 2 buildings and the livable housing design standards for sanitary compartments and shower areas.

Amendment 1 to MBS 007 was gazetted on 5 September 2024.

An updated ‘what we heard’ report and summary of the changes relating to Amendment 1 is available on the consultation page.

As the final step in introducing the National Construction Code 2022 energy efficiency and livability provisions in South Australia, Ministerial Building Standard MBS 013 is now in the final stages of approval. MBS 013 outlines how these provisions apply to alterations and additions to existing homes.

Information sessions are being delivered to assist the building industry in the transition to the new provisions, and the requirements for a Certificate of Occupancy for Class 1 buildings. Further information will be available following the finalisation of MBS 013. These sessions and future events are available via the Events page.

Regular updates about the implementation of the modern homes provisions, including the consultation papers, will be provided on the Building Code page and via the Building Standard e-newsletter.

For information about the NCC 2022 modern homes provisions, please visit NCC 2022 modern homes provisions.

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