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How the lifting fee works

What is the lifting fee

The lifting fee is applied to trips for the driver to assist Access Taxi customers who use a wheelchair, scooter or large (ride-on) mobility aide in and out of the Access Taxi. This replaces waiting time fees. A component of the lifting fee also contributes to the additional costs for providing an Access Taxi service including higher costs for fuel, purchase and replacement of vehicles and specialised equipment compared to sedan style taxis.

Lifting Fee for Access Taxi services

The State Government has extended the application of the $25 lifting fee to all South Australian Access Taxi customers who use a wheelchair, scooter or large (ride-on) mobility aide and hold a South Australian Transport Subsidy Scheme (SATSS) member ID card or a non-SATSS Access Taxi Card.

The lifting fee supports drivers to provide the lifting service for eligible Access Taxi trips to ensure customers receive a consistent, accessible and reliable service.

The lifting fee is paid by the South Australian Government and is funded by the $1 levy. There is no additional cost to the customer.

To be eligible for the lifting fee trips must be:

  • Booked through the Access Centralised Booking Service (Access Taxi CBS). Rank or hail jobs cannot incur a lifting fee.
  • Tariff 5 (weekdays 6am to 7pm) or Tariff 6 (other times).

The passenger must use a wheelchair, scooter or large (ride-on) mobility aide and also hold a SATSS member ID card or a non-SATSS Access Taxi Card.

Only one lifting fee can be applied per trip.

The lifting fee will be applied on a trial basis, pending the outcome of the current review of the Passenger Transport Act 1994. Further consideration is also being given to the arrangements for access taxis outside metropolitan Adelaide as part of the review.

For non-SATSS trips, the lifting fee is not applicable for trips that are covered under contracted arrangements with facilities such as schools. The lifting fee will apply to access trips booked by hospital staff in an individual capacity and where the metered fare is applied.

For SATSS trips, the lifting fee applies to each booked trip, regardless of whether the SATSS member is claiming the trip as a subsidised trip or paying for it in full.

Non-SATSS customers can apply for a non-SATSS Access Taxi Card. Customers who do not hold a non-SATSS Access Taxi Card can still book an Access Taxi.

A transitional period was in place from Friday 1 December 2023 to Sunday 30 June 2024 that allowed drivers to claim the lifting fee even if a customer did not present a non-SATSS Access Taxi Card. From Monday 1 July 2024 non-SATSS Access Taxi Card holders will be required to present their card to drivers for the lifting fee to be applied.

SATSS trips

For drivers

The lifting fee applies to each booked trip, regardless of whether the SATSS member is claiming the trip as a subsidised trip or paying for it in full.

Lifting fee payments will not be paid for journeys deemed to be falsified or fraudulent.

How does it work?

Drivers will need to scan the SATSS member’s ID card at the beginning and end of a journey.

Where a SATSS member is paying for the trip in full, you will need to select ‘0 trips’ in the SATSS application after entering the metered fare.

Ensure the meter is paused and Tariff 5 or 6 applied for all journeys booked by a SATSS member through the Access Taxi CBS.

SATSS members who travel within metropolitan and regional areas can now choose to use up to three vouchers or trips to subsidise high-fare journeys.

For fares under $41, SATSS members may use one voucher or trip. For fares between $41 and $81 (inclusive) up to two vouchers or trips may be used. For fares above $81 three vouchers or trips may be used.

What to do

  1. On dispatching of a booking, the Access Taxi CBS will apply the lifting fee tariff to the journey. Note: The lifting fee cannot be claimed unless a booking is initiated by Suburban Taxis.
  2. On arrival at the pick-up location, please make contact with the passenger and start the meter when the passenger is ready to leave or at the booked time.
  3. The meter will pause for up to 7 minutes and 30 seconds before it starts calculating waiting time and running rates; or the meter will commence calculating the fare as soon as the car starts moving. This means the fare displayed on the meter may appear to be less than the equivalent fare without the lifting fee because the meter will pause for a while – but drivers will get paid separately for this time by the lifting  fee.
  4. Once arrived at the destination you must turn the meter off before assisting the passenger out of the vehicle, the time taken to assist the passenger to exit the vehicle is paid in the lifting fee. In situations where the meter is not turned off the lifting fee could be withheld and other penalties may apply;
  5. Where the member has stated they wish to pay full fare for the journey, select the option ‘0 trips’, which will not deduct a SATSS trip from the members card;
  6. The passenger MUST NOT be asked to pay the lifting fee or any part of it.

Inappropriate use of SATSS vouchers, a SATSS Member ID Card or a non-SATSS Access Taxi Card may result in penalties and/or referral to the Passenger Transport Standards Committee for breaches of the Passenger Transport Regulations 2009.

Note: While the meter pauses for up to 7 minutes and 30 seconds, the lifting fee actually includes payment for the 15 minutes of waiting time. The 15 minutes includes the paused time and the time to assist a passenger to leave the taxi (after the meter is turned off).

Note: If a driver’s mobile internet/data is not switched on when the SATSS member’s ID card is scanned, this journey information will be stored in the app until the driver’s mobile internet is switched on. SATSS journey payments cannot be processed until journey information is uploaded to the SATSS system. This happens automatically when the driver’s mobile internet is on.

For more information visit the South Australian Transport Subsidy Scheme website or call 1300 360 840.

How to claim the lifting fee

SATSS pays the lifting fee for all eligible trips.

Lifting fee eligible trips must be booked through the Access Taxi CBS.

The passenger MUST NOT be asked to pay the lifting fee or any part of it.

For paper vouchers only: Write “$27.50” (i.e. the lifting fee plus GST) on the voucher under the voucher number at the bottom of the voucher to claim the lifting fee. Do NOT add the lifting fee to the total of the fare.

If the meter is left running during multiple stops, can I claim additional lifting fees?

No, if the meter is left running, only one lifting fee can be claimed per trip. A trip is from the pick-up location to the drop-off destination.

Can I claim an additional lifting fee for a return trip?

No. If the meter is left running between the original and return trip it will be considered a single trip. A second lifting fee will not apply.

If the meter is turned off at the end of the original trip, and the SATSS / non-SATSS customer exits the vehicle, the customer would need to make a second booking for the return journey. The lifting fee is only applied for eligible bookings made through the Access CBS.

The Department for Infrastructure and Transport will investigate all instances where this occurs to ensure all claims for the lifting fee are legitimate. Penalties and/or referral to the Passenger Transport Standards Committee may apply for breaches of the Passenger Transport Regulations 2009.

For passengers

The increased lifting fee seeks to improve service delivery for Access Taxi customers.

How does it work?

  • When you are booking the Access Taxi please let the Access Taxi CBS booking service know that you are a SATSS member, and if you will be claiming part of the trip under your SATSS subsidy or paying for it in full.
  • Present your member ID card to the driver for scanning at the beginning and end of a journey.
  • If you are using a SATSS subsidy to pay for part of your trip, the driver will record at the end of the journey that you have taken a subsidised fare.
  • If you are paying for your trip in full, the driver will record at the end of the journey that the trip was not subsidised. These trips will not be deducted from your subsidised trips balance.

SATSS members who travel within metropolitan and regional areas can now choose to use up to three vouchers or trips to subsidise high-fare journeys.

For fares under $41, SATSS members may use one voucher or trip. For fares between $41 and $81 (inclusive) up to two vouchers or trips may be used. For fares above $81 three vouchers or trips may be used.

What to do

  1. When you are booking an Access Taxi please let the Access Taxi Centralised Booking Service (Access Taxi CBS) know that you are a SATSS member, or are making a booking for a SATSS member.
  2. At the beginning of a journey, the driver will use their mobile phone to scan the barcode on your SATSS ID card. This will record the SATSS membership number and start the journey.
  3. On pick-up, the meter will pause for up to 7 minutes and 30 seconds before it starts calculating the fare. There is no charge while the meter is paused. A lifting fee is paid to the driver for this time.
  4. After 7 minutes and 30 seconds or when the car starts moving the meter will commence charging the fare for your journey.
  5. Once you arrive at your destination, the driver will scan your ID card barcode again to record that the journey has ended. The driver MUST turn off the meter before assisting you out of the vehicle. Note: the time taken to assist you after the meter is turned off is paid for by the lifting fee.
  6. The driver will enter the meter value into the app, which will automatically calculate the remaining fare to be paid by you. You will also be able to hear this information through the driver's mobile phone.
  7. If you choose to pay full fare and not have a SATSS trip deducted, the driver can select ‘0 trips’ in the SATSS application after entering the metered fare.
  8. You MUST NOT be asked by the driver to pay the lifting fee or any part of it. Should you be asked to pay the fee please report this to Adelaide Metro at their Contact Us page.
  9. If you have provided your email address to SATSS, you will be emailed a summary at the end of your journey.

For more information visit the South Australian Transport Subsidy Scheme website or call 1300 360 840.

Non-SATSS trips

For drivers

The State Government has extended the $25 lifting fee application for non-SATSS trips, where:

  • the passenger is a holder of a non-SATSS Access Taxi Card;
  • the trip is booked through the Access Taxi Centralised Booking Service (Access Taxi CBS); and
  • where a customer uses a wheelchair, scooter or large (ride-on) mobility aide.

Rank or hail jobs cannot incur a lifting fee.

The non-SATSS Access Taxi Card has a barcode that can be scanned using the SATSS app in the same way as the SATSS member ID card.

For the lifting fee to be applied passengers must present their non-SATSS Access Taxi Card to drivers at the start and end of each trip for scanning.

A transitional period was in place from Friday 1 December 2023 to Sunday 30 June 2024 that allowed drivers to claim the lifting fee even if a customer did not present a non-SATSS Access Taxi Card. From Monday 1 July 2024 non-SATSS Access Taxi Card holders will be required to present their card to drivers for the lifting fee to be applied.

The lifting fee is not applicable for non-SATSS trips that are covered under contracted arrangements with facilities such as schools. The lifting fee will apply to access trips booked by hospital staff in an individual capacity and where the metered fare is applied.

Learn more about the non-SATSS Access Taxi Card.

What are the benefits?

Expanding the application of the $25 lifting fee supports taxi drivers to assist customers with a wheelchair, scooter or large (ride-on) mobility aide to ensure customers receive a consistent, accessible and reliable taxi ride.

How does it work?

  1. When starting a shift, you will need to log into the SATSS app on your mobile device using your mySA GOV credentials.
  2. The Access Taxi CBS will apply the lifting fee tariff to the journey when the job is dispatched.
  3. At the pick-up location, meet the passenger and scan the barcode on their non-SATSS Access Taxi Card with your SATSS app. A GPS tracker is enabled on the app to record the exact route taken for each journey.
  4. Start the meter when the passenger is ready to leave or at the booked time.
  5. The meter will either pause for up to 7 minutes and 30 seconds before it starts calculating waiting times and running rates; or will commence calculating the fare as soon as the car starts moving. You will be paid for this time with the lifting fee.
  6. When you arrive at the passenger’s destination you must scan the barcode again to record that the journey has ended and enter the total fare displayed on the meter into the app. You must turn the meter off before assisting the passenger out of the vehicle.
  7. As a requirement of driver conditions, the lifting fee must only apply to an eligible trip.
  8. An eligible non-SATSS trip, is where the trip is booked through the Access Taxi CBS, the passenger is a non-SATSS card holder, and the passenger is using a wheelchair, scooter or large (ride-on) mobility aide.

Inappropriate use of SATSS vouchers, a SATSS Member ID Card or a non-SATSS Access Taxi Card may result in penalties and/or referral to the Passenger Transport Standards Committee for breaches of the Passenger Transport Regulations 2009.

How do I claim the lifting fee?

SATSS will pay the lifting fee for all eligible trips. To be eligible trips must be:

  • Booked through the Access Taxi CBS. Rank or hail jobs cannot incur a lifting fee.
  • Tariff 5 (weekdays 6am to 7pm) or Tariff 6 (other times)

The $25 lifting fee covers time to assist a passenger while the meter is paused. Only one lifting fee can be applied per trip.

If your mobile internet/data is not switched on when the non-SATSS Access Taxi Card is scanned, the journey information will be stored in the app until your mobile internet is switched on.

Lifting fee payments cannot be processed until journey information is uploaded to the SATSS system. This happens automatically when your mobile internet is on. If the meter is not turned off at the end of a journey the lifting fee could be withheld and other penalties may apply.

The passenger must not be asked to pay the lifting fee.

What if the customer does not have a non-SATSS Access Taxi Card?

From Monday 1 July 2024 non-SATSS Access Taxi Card holders will be required to present their card to drivers for the lifting fee to be applied.

If the meter is left running during multiple stops, can I claim additional lifting fees?

No, if the meter is left running, only one lifting fee can be claimed per trip. A trip is from the pick-up location to the drop-off destination.

Can I claim an additional lifting fee for a return trip?

No. If the meter is left running between the original and return trip it will be considered a single trip. A second lifting fee will not apply.

If the meter is turned off at the end of the original trip, and the SATSS / non-SATSS customer exits the vehicle, the customer would need to make a second booking for the return journey. The lifting fee only applies for eligible bookings made through the Access Taxi CBS.

The Department for Infrastructure and Transport will investigate all instances where this occurs to ensure all claims for the lifting fee are legitimate. Penalties and/or referral to the Passenger Transport Standards Committee may apply for breaches of the Passenger Transport Regulations 2009.

When can I start claiming the lifting fee on non-SATSS trips?

A transitional period was in place from Friday 1 December 2023 to Sunday 30 June 2024 that allowed drivers to claim the lifting fee even if a customer did not present a non-SATSS Access Taxi Card.

From Monday 1 July 2024 non-SATSS Access Taxi Card holders will be required to present their card to drivers for the lifting fee to be applied.

For passengers

Access Taxi customers who use a wheelchair, scooter or large (ride-on) mobility aide and are not currently a SATSS member can now register for a non-SATSS Access Taxi Card.

Customers who do not hold a non-SATSS Access Taxi Card can still book an Access Taxi.

Learn more about the non-SATSS Access Taxi Card.

I am currently a SATSS member what do I need to do?

As a SATSS member there are no changes to you and you can continue to use your current SATSS ID card to access your SATSS subsidised trips.

You will still receive real time journey information and automatic notifications will be sent to your nominated carer or alternative contact if this is set up.

SATSS members who travel within metropolitan and regional areas can now choose to use up to three vouchers or trips to subsidise high-fare journeys.

For fares under $41, SATSS members may use one voucher or trip. For fares between $41 and $81 (inclusive) up to two vouchers or trips may be used. For fares above $81 three vouchers or trips may be used.