Beach Speed Limits

Speed limits apply on beaches where driving or riding of vehicles is permitted. To increase safety for beachgoers, new default beach speed limits will be introduced for all South Australian beaches, unless otherwise signposted.

From Friday, 1 December, drivers must adhere to the new default speed limit of 40km/hour and 25km/hour within 50 metres of a person, unless otherwise signposted. Fines and demerit points will apply for exceeding these limits.

Why is the speed limit changing?

Beaches present a unique driving environment that is very different and less predictable to driving on the road. As it is not practical to create separation or physical barriers between vehicles and pedestrians, a reduction in the speed limit is a viable way to improve beach safety.

Over five years from 2017 to 2021 there were 29 reported crashes on South Australian beaches resulting in the loss of one life, 15 serious injuries and 13 minor injuries. During this period, speed was identified as a contributing factor in approximately 50% of all reported crashes that occurred on a beach.

How were the new default beach speed limits determined?

A decision on the new speed limits was reached following extensive community consultation.

A discussion paper and survey was released to the community and stakeholders via the YourSAy digital platform. The YourSAy consultation was open from 4 February 2023 to 17 March 2023.

Four beach speed limit options, informed by best practice speed management principles and interstate approaches, were presented:

  • a default limit of 40 km/h
  • a default limit of 25 km/h
  • a default limit of 40 km/h and 25 km/h when passing or within 100 metres of a pedestrian
  • no change to current default speed limits.

Following consultation with the community, councils, and expert stakeholders, including South Australia Police, a decision was reached to reduce the default speed limit to 40km/h and 25km/h within 50 metres of a person.

Further information

For more information on the consultation process please view the Speed Limits on South Australian Beaches Community Engagement Outcomes Report.