Road Safety Data

Current data for South Australia

Safety performance indicators

The South Australian Road Safety Strategy to 2031 is supported by a robust monitoring and evaluation framework, which:

  • identifies how road safety action are leading to change
  • enables assessments and reviews of actions taken
  • enables adjustments to our approach.

The monitoring and evaluation framework adopts 26 safety performance indicators (SPIs). The SPIs track the progress on road safety across the life of the strategy. They were carefully selected in consultation with key road safety researchers and stakeholders.

SPIs were selected based on:

  • alignment with National Road Safety Strategy SPIs, where suitable
  • relevance for South Australia's unique characteristics compared to other states or territories
  • comprehensive coverage of focus areas in the road safety strategy, while considering reporting burden.

The SPIs were chosen regardless of data availability. The intention is to improve data capture for road safety in South Australia.

The annual results for SPIs are published in the Road Safety Action Plan Annual Report.

Daily update of lives lost

Download the daily update of lives lost on South Australian roads (year-to-date) (PDF, 197 KB).



Data.SA is the South Australian Government's open data portal, where you can find:

National road safety data

The Government of South Australia provides regular road safety data to the Bureau of Infrastructure and Transport Research Economics (BITRE). The data is added to the Australian Road Deaths Database and the National Road Safety Research and Reporting Database. BITRE publishes monthly, quarterly and annual road safety statistics. The data is collated from state and territory data to produce a national picture.

The National Road Safety Data Hub provides nationally consistent and timely data and information. The aim is to support the prevention of fatal and serious injuries on Australian roads. As a part of this, Australian and state and territory governments worked together to establish the national road safety catalogue.