Chief Executive’s message
We are pleased to present the Department for Infrastructure and Transport’s (the Department) Disability Access and Inclusion Plan.
The South Australian Government’s State Disability Inclusion Plan (2019-2023) created an opportunity for the Department to review our practices and consider how we can contribute to an inclusive and accessible community for all. We did this with due consideration of the significant scope and diversity of what we do and how we can help benefit the communities we serve.
The Department is committed to continuous improvement throughout our organisation, and this holds particularly true in the important area of disability access and inclusion.
The Department is responsible for a wide-ranging, complex set of activities within government. We deliver essential transport and social infrastructure that drives economic growth and connects people to the services they need. The projects we deliver in partnership with industry provide significant opportunities to improve inclusion and participation outcomes across the State. All South Australians use the infrastructure and services we deliver everyday meaning our Department is well positioned to improve disability access and inclusion outcomes for the community across all of our business areas.
As South Australia’s largest employer, the public sector plays a vital role in leading reforms that make our employment processes and workplaces more inclusive and accessible to people living with disability. In this Plan, the Department makes concrete commitments and measures intended to cultivate a more diverse and inclusive workplace environment where all employees are valued and respected.
This Plan keeps the Department in step with State goals and charts the course for the next stage of the Department’s journey of reform in this area. It builds on the momentum of our recent progress and focuses on the pursuit of the broader goals for our State. It sets out the next steps the Department will take to shape our infrastructure, the services we deliver and our workplaces, to be more inclusive and accessible for all.
Jon Whelan
Chief Executive
Previous page: Disability Access and Inclusion Plan 2020-2026