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Local Government Participation and Elections Review - Consultation Process

Local Government Participation and Elections Review

The Office of Local Government, on behalf of the Minister for Local Government, conducted a state-wide consultation to give the community an opportunity to provide feedback on ideas and suggestions on how communities can better engage with their councils through a council term and, particularly, at election time.

This review and consultation focused on these key topics:

  • ways to better engage and participate with councils;
  • ways to encourage a greater number of more diverse candidates for election to councils;
  • ways to increase voter turnout; and
  • ways to ensure that council elections are run efficiently, with the highest level of integrity.

Feedback on the Local Government Participation and Elections Review was submitted to the Office of Local Government directly and via YourSAy after the release of a discussion paper and a public call for feedback in late 2023.

The consultation ran from 25 October 2023 to 28 March 2024. Feedback received after the formal close of the consultation period was also gratefully received.

In total, 92 submissions were received directly and 406 surveys were completed on YourSAy.

Feedback received on reform options has been compiled into the four documents below:

Some feedback from the local government sector was submitted to, and compiled by, the Local Government Association which can be viewed at LGA’s submission to local government reform.