Grant allocations
The Local Government Grants Commission makes recommendations to the Minister for Planning and Local Government on the distribution of Financial Assistance (FA) Grants in late July or early August.
The Commission’s recommendations are endorsed by the State Minister and sent to the Federal Minister for Regional Health, Regional Communications and Local Government for approval.
FA Grants are paid in 4 quarterly instalments. The first is usually made no earlier than 15 August each year.
The Federal Government may bring forward payments of FA Grants—these payments are passed on by the Commission as soon as they are received.
The following attachments provide details of the approved National, South Australian and individual FA Grant Allocations for all local governing authorities.
National allocations
The National allocations table provides a summary of the National allocation of the Final Estimated FA Grants for the current financial year and Actual FA Grants for the previous financial year.
This table includes the allocation of:
- General Purpose Grants
- Identified Local Road Grants
- Total FA Grants for each State, by year.
The table also shows the percentage and dollar increase for each State, the proportion of the pool of funding provided to each State and the total amount of available funding across Australia and each State.
2024-25 National Allocations Table (PDF, 115 KB)
State allocations
The State allocations table provides a summary of the South Australian allocation of the Final Estimated FA Grants for the current financial year and the Actual FA Grants for the previous year.
2024-25 State Allocations Table (PDF, 165 KB)
This table also includes information about:
- other grant programs managed by the Commission (Supplementary Local Road Funding and the Special Local Roads Component of the Roads to Recovery Program)
- the proportion of funding allocated under the Special Local Roads Program
- the total amount of funding allocated by the Commission in the relevant financial year.
Council allocations: the “Minister’s Sheet”
The Minister’s Sheet provides a summary of the South Australian allocation of the Final Estimated FA Grants for the coming year and the Actual FA Grants for the previous year by council.
It includes allocations for 68 Councils, the Outback Communities Authority and the 5 Aboriginal Communities funded from the FA Grants program.
This information includes Special Local Roads Program from the Identified Local Road Grants pool.
2024-25 Local Government Financial Assistance Grants (PDF, 226 KB)
Proportion of grants: rural versus metro
The following summary provides a comparison of FA Grants, Supplementary Local Road Funding and Roads to Recovery funding allocated to metropolitan and rural councils under the Commission’s current distribution methodology.
2024-25 Metropolitan vs Rural Grants (PDF, 206 KB)
Specific queries about these data sets - or other data collected - can be referred to the commission.
Contact the Local Government Grants Commission
Phone: (08) 7133 1313
Postal address:
GPO Box 2329