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Boaties to help shape marine safety
Friday, 6 September 2024
Consultation closed at 5:00 pm on 6 September 2024.
South Australian boaties now have their chance to help make the State’s waters safer. Consultation is now open to help finalise the development of the first ever South Australian Recreational Boating Safety Strategy.
The South Australian Recreational Boating Safety Strategy Priority Areas paper was released today. The paper was informed by feedback from the community and interested organisations.
The paper details five priority areas and measures to improve recreational boating safety across our coastline and waterways:
- increasing boating safety education opportunities for young people, boaters and retailers
- using technology to improve boating safety
- reviewing requirements for lifejacket wear and safety equipment to make it simpler and safer for all
- boat licence reform to encourage safer operation and knowledge
- supporting and enforcing safer boater behaviours.
Feedback on these priorities will shape the final South Australian Recreational Boating Safety Strategy. This strategy will be a practical five-year plan that sets out to achieve the state government’s commitment of zero fatalities for recreational boaters. It aims to reduce near misses, accidents, and fatalities on South Australian waters involving:
- boaters
- jet ski riders
- paddleboarders
- other watercraft users.
Why we need the strategy
In the last 20 years through to June 2022, 69 people lost their lives to boating related drownings on South Australian waterways while using powered and non-powered watercraft.
Over the last 10 years, five more people lost their lives to powered vessel incidents, including:
- boat collisions
- collisions with infrastructure
- impacts between vessels and people in the water.
Marine Safety Officers checked about 12,000 vessels between March 2020 and March 2023. About 40% were not compliant with equipment and vessel requirements.
Have your say
South Australians can have their say on the five priorities and proposed measures by:
- reading the What We Heard report (PDF, 5673 KB)
- reading the South Australian Recreational Boating Priority Areas paper (PDF, 5007 KB)
- completing the SA Recreational Boating Safety Strategy Survey by 5:00 pm, Friday 6 September 2024.
All feedback will be reviewed and considered to inform the final strategy. The strategy is expected to be released by the end of 2024.