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Transport Strategy
South Australia’s first Transport Strategy outlines our 30-year vision for the state’s transport system.
The Transport Strategy has been designed to:
- set the direction for future transport planning
- guide decisions on which projects to prioritise and invest in
- help ensure that our transport network is ready for the future
- ensure South Australia remains a great place to live and do business.
Vision and strategic outcomes
Our vision is for a transport system that transforms South Australia by enabling prosperity, sustainability and connectivity.
There are five strategic outcomes that are important to achieving our vision:
Connected and accessible
Our transport system is accessible and connects people and goods to where they need to go
Our transport system is safe, and we feel confident and secure when we travel.
Our transport system supports economic growth, productivity and prosperity.
Our transport system supports wellbeing, inclusivity and quality of life.
Sustainable and resilient
Our transport system is environmentally and financially sustainable as well as resilient.
The strategy covers all forms of transport, from cycling, driving and walking to public transport and freight.
It also aligns to other key state priorities, such as the:
- Greater Adelaide Regional Plan
- Infrastructure SA 20-year State Infrastructure Strategy.
This will help us to maximise the benefits of other changes happening in South Australia.
Your input has informed the Transport Strategy
We have undertaken extensive consultation across industry, government and the community. We are committed to ensuring your vision becomes our future.
Through this process, we have learnt about the challenges you face and the opportunities you see to improve our transport system. This has guided the development of this strategy. It also helped us identify priority actions for the next 30 years. We will continue to work with you to create a better transport future that benefits many generations to come.
Who we engaged with
Your insights and feedback are important to guide future investment and improvements for our transport system.
We engaged over 6,000 community members and industry stakeholders to help shape this strategy.
- Surveyed more than 5,300 people, including groups that rarely engage with us, such as young people.
- Almost 40,000 page views on our Transport Strategy website.
- Met face-to-face with community members in 26 locations across the state.
- Created a virtual reality experience that allowed more than 700 people to visualise the future of our transport system and provide feedback.
- Engaged 75 industry stakeholders in roundtable discussions on key topics. This includes CEOs, executives and subject-matter experts.
- Ran briefings with 275 stakeholders from government, industry and community groups.
- Received 101 written submissions from local government, industry and community organisations.
For a summary of the consultation process and insights, read the Transport Strategy What We Heard report (PDF, 895 KB).
Read the strategy
To get an overview of the strategy, download the Transport Strategy Snapshot (PDF, 17437 KB).
For the full version, read South Australia's Transport Strategy (PDF, 26069 KB)
Read the full version of South Australia's Transport Strategy (PDF, 26069 KB).
Printable versions
- Transport Strategy Snapshot (print version) (PDF, 26147 KB)
- South Australia's Transport Strategy (print version) (PDF, 17602 KB)
Next steps
We are currently preparing a draft implementation plan. The plan will outline a program of initiatives and projects over the short, medium and long term.