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Freedom of information (FOI)

FOI Information Statement

The Department for Infrastructure and Transport's FOI Information Statement (PDF, 360 KB) is published in accordance with subsection 9 (2) of the Freedom of Information Act 1991 (FOI Act) and provides detail on:

  • the functions of the Department
  • the types of information and documents held by the Department, and
  • how a person can access information held by the Department or amend information about them that is incorrect.

Further details on the Department's structure and functions can be found in the Department's Annual Report.

More information on Freedom of Information (FOI) and making an application can be found on the State Records website.

Making an FOI application

Applications for access or amendments to documents under the FOI Act must be in writing. You may choose to use the request for access application form available on the State Records website or lodge an online application. Alternatively, you can write us a letter and mail to:

The Accredited Freedom of Information Officer
Department for Infrastructure and Transport
GPO Box 1533

For more information on FOI please contact the Department by email at or telephone (08) 7133 2196, during business hours.

Please note that there is an application fee associated with an FOI application. Fees under the FOI process may be subject to a fee advancement, waiver, reduction or remission.

FOI Disclosure Logs

The Government has committed to the establishment of disclosure logs for all government agencies to provide central access to non-personal information that has been released under the FOI Act for applications received after 1 October 2017.

Premier and Cabinet PC045 Disclosure Log Policy requires agencies to publish information and documents that have already been disclosed to an FOI applicant that:

  • are not related to the personal affairs of an individual;
  • could not be claimed as exempt documents/material pursuant to Schedule 1 of the FOI Act, when being publicly released; and
  • could not be considered defamatory or a breach of confidentiality or reasonably be anticipated to cause harm to a person.

Where documents are not able to be published, access can be requested by contacting the DIT FOI Unit via email at or by telephoning (08) 7133 2196 during business hours.

Disclosure logs - Department Disclosure logs - Minister

Internal Review

If you are dissatisfied or concerned with the decision of this Agency regarding your FOI application request for documents, you can apply for an Internal Review (IR) of that decision.

To apply for an IR you must write a letter addressed to the Principal Officer (address shown above) or lodge an Internal Review application form with the Principal Officer of this Agency. The legislated application fee must accompany all applications, unless the fee was waived in the original FOI application, in which case there would be no fee payable for the IR application. The IR application must be lodged within 30 days after being notified of the decision.

The Agency will undertake the IR and advise you of its decision within 14 days of receipt of the application.

External review by the Ombudsman

After an IR has been completed, or where you have been unable to apply for an IR, and you are still dissatisfied with the decision you can apply for an External Review by the Ombudsman.

You may also request an External Review by the Ombudsman if you have no right to an IR.

The application for review by the Ombudsman should be lodged within 30 days after the date of a determination. The Ombudsman’s Office, at their discretion, may extend this time limit.

Investigations by the Ombudsman are free.  Further information is available from the Office of the Ombudsman by telephone on
(08) 8226 8699 or toll free 1800 182 150 (within SA). Further information can be found at

Appeal to the South Australian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (SACAT)

If you are still dissatisfied with the decision made by the Agency after an IR, or following an External Review by the Ombudsman, you can appeal to SACAT.

You must exercise your right of review to SACAT within 30 calendar days after being advised of the determination or the results of the review. Any costs will be determined by SACAT, where applicable. For more information, contact:

South Australian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (SACAT)
Phone: 1800 723 767 or email:

Applications for motor vehicle registration and licence details

If you would like to access information regarding your personal vehicle registration or licensing details, you are encouraged to apply through the Service SA MR1415 application process. The form is available for download here: MR1415 Application For Client / Vehicle Information (

The MR1415 application attracts a search fee of between $22.00 and $31.00 depending on the complexity of the search required. Fees under this process may be subject to a fee waiver, reduction or remission.

Should you have any questions in relation to the MR1415 application process, please contact Service SA on 13 10 84, during business hours.