Procurement Policies and Procedures 2017
Professional and Technical Services Invitation to Supply
The Department is amalgamating all panels and pre-qualification lists under the banner of technical and professional services, and has released an invitation to supply to all contractors.
For more information, watch the video from Dr Ana Glavinic, Manager Technical Services, and read frequently asked questions.
Frequently asked questions
I am currently panelled/prequalified with one of DIT’s professional or technical services panels, does this Invitation to Supply (ITS) apply to me?
Yes. The existing panels and pre qualifications will be amalgamated into one overarching panel called “Professional and Technical Services Panel 17C811”. This will be achieved through issuing a closed Invitation to Supply (ITS) to existing suppliers to:
- Allow the suppliers to apply and be evaluated for applicable services,
- Submit updated rate cards, and
- Comply with updated contract documentation and contract measurement processes.
Do I need to provide a full tender submission if I am already panelled for a category?
For example, I am currently panelled for Engineering Survey and Property Survey what information do I need to provide to continue to be eligible for these categories of work?
No. If you are currently panelled for a category and want to continue to be panelled for that category you only need to provide the following;
- Updated rates cards
- Updated insurances details
- Agree to 17C811 new contractual terms and conditions
Tender submissions only apply to applications to open categories for which you are not currently panelled.
Will individual panels that currently exist remain in place?
No. Existing panels and prequalification lists will be dissolved and replaced by the 17C811 Professional and Technical Services Panel.
Will new panels be set up for categories that don't currently have individual panels (eg, pavements, geotechnical)?
No. The only panel in place to deliver technical disciplines in future will be 17C811 Professional and Technical Services Panel. Those categories that do not currently have a panel will be represented in 17C811.
Is subcontracting allowable where a panellist does not have the full range of skills to cover all aspects of a category?
No. Subcontracting arrangements are not desirable as justification for panel qualification. Panellists must demonstrate they meet the minimum category criteria in order to qualify for a service category. Nominating a subcontracting arrangement as a means of meeting the requirements is not acceptable. Once the panel is in operation, individual packages of work may be tendered as a multidisciplinary contract. These packages/projects may call for subcontracting arrangements and alliances among both panelled and non-panelled companies where panellists do not have the capacity to deliver all of the required disciplines.
Details of the subcontracting arrangements shall be provided and assessed in the tender submissions for individual projects. Subcontractors will operate under the Safety and quality management systems of the lead contractor. The lead contractor shall be responsible for the deliverables and performance of their nominated subcontractors.
Do I have to be panelled for a category to be offered that type of work?
For example, I am only panelled for the provision of Environmental Planning & Impact Assessments does this mean I will be excluded from providing work for the Contamination category?
Yes. Individual work packages that relate exclusively to a single panel category—such as contamination or cadastral surveying—will only be offered to companies panelled for those discipline categories.
Where projects are tendered as a multidisciplinary contract, companies may be invited to tender who are not panelled for all categories with the additional services being subcontracted.
Details of the subcontracting arrangements shall be provided and assessed in the tender submissions for the individual package of work at that point in time.
Can I apply for only one sub category of a nominated discipline?
Yes. A company does not need to qualify or apply for all sub categories within a discipline. There is no minimum or maximum limit on the number of categories a company can deliver.
When is the closing date for current ITS?
Current ITS will close at 14:00 on 17th of January 2017.
Can I forward the ITS on to other companies in the market for them to register and tender?
No. Currently this Invitation to supply is by invitation only to existing companies who are panelled or prequalified with DIT. The opportunity for other companies will be provided after the initial amalgamation process.content
Will new panel be opened to the rest of the market?
Yes. Once the initial amalgamation process is completed and new 17C811 Professional and Technical Services Panel is established, the panel will be open to the market for either additional technical disciplines provided by existing suppliers and/or new suppliers requests will be considered.
The Department will have discretion in deciding if further capability and company availability is required taking into consideration risk, quality of the submission and estimated quantity of work per annum proportionate to the number of panel members.
Who do I contact for further information?
Further enquiries can be submitted by the BRAVO tool or:
Henriette Kamfer
Summary of Categories
Category / LOT | Sub-categories | Status | Contract Type |
Common LOT 1 | To be completed by all respondents | Open to all | N/A |
Asbestos Management / LOT 2 |
| Closed | SPB G&S |
Contamination Services / LOT 3 |
| Closed | SPB G&S |
Environmental Services / LOT 4 |
| Closed | AS4122 |
Landscaping & Arboriculture / LOT 5 |
| Closed | SPB G&S |
Landscape and Urban Design / LOT 6 |
| Closed | AS4122 |
Heritage / LOT 7 |
| Closed | SPB G&S |
Pavement Engineering / LOT 8 |
| Open | AS4122 |
Rail Professional and Technical Services / LOT 9 |
| Closed | AS4122 |
Geospatial Surveying / LOT 10 |
| Closed | SPB G&S |
GIS Services & Aerial Imagery / LOT 11 |
| Open | SPB G&S |
Structural Engineering / LOT 12 |
| Open | AS4122 |
Geotechnical Services / LOT 13 |
| Open | AS4122 |
Transport Planning and Highway Design / LOT 14 |
| Closed | AS4122 |
Stormwater Design and Modelling / LOT 15 |
| Open | AS4122 |
Vegetation Services / LOT 16 |
| Closed | SPB G&S |
DDA Compliance / LOT 17 |
| Open | AS4122 |
Closed Categories require response to the following:
- Proposed Contract
- Fixed/Variable Pricing
- Schedule of Rates.
Open Categories require response to the following:
- Qualitative response
- Organisational structure
- Management Systems
- Work History
- Qualifications and experience of key staff
- Compliance with Part B – Specification
- Proposed Contract
- Fixed/Variable Pricing
- Schedule of Rates.