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Updated plan of Truro bypass released following community consultation

Wednesday, 5 October 2022

The updated alignment for the Sturt Highway bypass around Truro, developed following consultation with the local community, has now been released.

A realigned Sturt Highway will allow heavy vehicles to bypass Truro, improving safety and amenity for residents and visitors. It will also improve freight efficiency as demand for the Sturt Highway to cater for larger freight vehicles increases.

The Australian and South Australian Governments have committed $202 million (80:20) to the project.

The bypass will see Sturt Highway pass north of the town, with intersections to the east and west allowing the current roadway to continue as the town’s main street.

The original proposed plan for the bypass was updated following consultation with the local community.

Local feedback received centred around issues such as access, infrastructure and geography. As a result, access will be provided to and along the bypass where possible at several key points.

With a preferred alignment established, the detailed design process can progress and will continue into 2023.

Community information sessions will be held later this month:

  • Wednesday, 19 October, between 2pm and 3:30pm, and again between 5:30pm and 7pm, at the Truro Oval.

For information on how to register to attend, visit the website.

The project is anticipated to be complete in 2025, weather permitting.