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Across Government Services - Property
The Department Property Division centrally manages all government office accommodation and the provision of housing for government employees working in regional South Australia. It also manages the portfolio of transport related road, rail and marine property owned by the Department of Infrastructure and Transport.
Office accommodation - Government owns and leases a significant area of office space. Accommodation and Property Services plans and manages agency accommodation needs to ensure that each workplace meets government standards and the requirements of government employees.
Employee housing - The provision of services in regional and remote areas requires Government to locate its employees in regional and remote areas and make housing available to them. Accommodation and Property Services provides a complete range of residential tenancy services to government employees in regional South Australia.
Portfolio management - provides specialist asset, property and land management services related to an extensive portfolio of office accommodation, commercial, residential, sporting and recreational, and road, rail and marine assets.
Do you need an easement over portion of land owned by the Minister for Transport and Infrastructure? Apply for an easement online.
Do you have queries about land owned by the Minister for Transport, Infrastructure and Local Government or the Commissioner of Highways? Click here for links to application forms and general information.